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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
ood were on my undershirts (second hand), I was amused to see Mrs. J. lifting them with the tongs. They have been thoroughly washed, and prove to be a first-rate article. I am proud of them, for they are truly comfortable garments. Gen. Forrest is doing wonders in Tennessee, as the appended dispatch from Gen. Beauregard shows, Tuscumbia, Ala., Nov. 8th, 1864. Gen. S. Cooper, A. And I. General. Gen. Forrest reports on the 5th instant that he was then engaged fighting the enemy at Johnsonville, having already destroyed four gun-boats, of eight guns each, fourteen steamers, and twenty barges, with a large quantity of quartermaster and commissary stores, on the landing and in warehouses, estimated at between seventy-five and one hundred thousand tons. Six gun-boats were then approaching, which he hoped to capture or destroy. G. T. Beauregard. November 15 Fair and cold; ice. Quiet below; rumors of further successes in the Southwest, but not official. Congress did n
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
e 28th Forrest reached the Tennessee, at Fort Heiman, and captured a gun-boat and three transports. On the 2d of November he planted batteries above and below Johnsonville, on the opposite side of the river, isolating three gun-boats and eight transports. On the 4th the enemy opened his batteries upon the place, and was replied d property on the levee and in store-houses was consumed by fire. On the 5th the enemy disappeared and crossed to the north side of the Tennessee River, above Johnsonville, moving toward Clifton, and subsequently joined Hood. On the night of the 5th General Schofield, with the advance of the Twenty-third Corps, reached JohnsonviJohnsonville, but finding the enemy gone, was ordered to Pulaski, and put in command of all the troops there, with instructions to watch the movements of Hood and retard his advance, but not to risk a general engagement until the arrival of Gen'eral A. J. Smith's command from Missouri, and until General Wilson could get his cavalry remount
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 10 (search)
te. There were within the limits of the military division the following engineer organizations, viz: First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, and First Missouri Engineers. Both these regiments belonged to the Army of the Cumberland, and were distributed as follows: The former along the railroads forming our lines of supply, engaged in building block-houses to defend them against raiding parties of the enemy's cavalry; and the latter along the important line of railroad from Nashville to Johnsonville on the Tennessee River, engaged in completing that work. The Department of the Ohio was provided with an engineer battalion, organized under my direction in 1863, when the movement upon East Tennessee commenced. Its organization was explained in my report upon that campaign. See Vol. XXX, Part II, p. 568. It now accompanied the Army of the Ohio. The De partment of the Tennessee was not provided with any regular engineer organization, but was fortunate in having an excellent pioneer o
e United States or any other service, the writer concluded that his duty to the paper he represented required him to proceed with a command which promised so much. For once his judgment was not at fault. The experience of the last ten days has proved quite conclusively that the Third division of the cavalry is the place for representatives of newspapers in search of either news, fatigue, or fighting. Leaving Frederick on Sunday, the twenty-eighth, Walkerville, Mount Pleasant, Liberty, Johnsville, Middleburgh, Taneytown, and Littletown were passed through, without any important event to record; and, on the thirtieth, (Tuesday,) Hanover was reached. As the troops crossed the line into Pennsylvania, their spirits seemed to be revived by the fertile fields and homelike scenes around them. Cheerfully they moved on — many of them, alas! too soon, to their last resting-place. The battle at Hanover. At about midday, General Kilpatrick, with his command, was passing through Hanove
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Cavalry operations in the West under Rosecrans and Sherman. (search)
l Wickliffe Cooper, and others, and finally was driven into east Tennessee, where he was killed, at Greenville, on the 4th of September, 1864. [See article by General Duke, p. 243.] In October, 1864, General Hood, having led his army from Georgia into northern Alabama, was organizing for his expedition into Tennessee. At the same time Forrest was operating with his usual energy and activity. On the 30th of October he suddenly appeared with a strong force on the Tennessee River, near Johnsonville, where he captured a gun-boat, the Undine, and two transports — an exploit which excited very general admiration. He then joined Hood near Decatur. At this time General John T. Croxton, with a brigade of Union cavalry, was watching along the north bank of the Tennessee, and on the 7th of November was joined by General Edward Hatch with a division. This body, numbering about three thousand men, kept a sharp lookout for indications of Hood's advance. On the 20th it became apparent that
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Repelling Hood's invasion of Tennessee. (search)
ith still another regiment behind that. West of the pike, reaching to a ravine through which passes a road branching from the Carter's Creek Pike, was Ruger's division of two brigades — the third, under General Cooper, not having come up from Johnsonville. Strickland's brigade, of four regiments, had two in the works and two in reserve. Two of these regiments, the 72d Illinois and 44th Missouri, belonged to A. J. Smith's corps, and had reported to General Schofield only the day before. A thider General J. B. Steedman, and were posted between the Murfreesboro' Pike and the river. Cooper's brigade also came in after a narrow escape from capture, as well as several regiments of colored troops from the railroad between Nashville and Johnsonville. Their arrival completed the force on which General Thomas was to rely for the task he now placed before himself — the destruction of Hood's army. It was an ill-assorted and heterogeneous mass, not yet welded into an army, and lacking a grea
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 15: Sherman's March to the sea.--Thomas's campaign in Middle Tennessee.--events in East Tennessee. (search)
inth, he pushed up through Tennessee with a heavy mounted force and nine guns, and struck the Tennessee River opposite Johnsonville, in Stewart County, which was connected with Nashville by railway. This was an important depot of supplies for Nashvimissaries' and quartermasters' stores, valued at a million and a half of dollars, were destroyed. Finding no enemy at Johnsonville, Schofield left Ruger's division as a garrison at that post, and, with the rest of his troops, marched to Pulaski and brigade at Mount Pleasant covered all flank approaches from that direction. Schofield withdrew Ruger's division from Johnsonville, and on the 24th of November his forces were concentrated at Columbia. In the mean time General Granger had withdrawn, and returned to Stevenson, from which he sent five fresh regiments to Murfreesboroa. The officer left in command at Johnsonville was ordered to remove the property there across to the Cumberland at Fort Donelson, and, with it and the garrison, tak
proceedings of the loyal convention at, 2.55; threatened by Price in 1864, 3.278. Jeffersonton, defeat of Gregg at, 3.103. Jenkins, Gen., raid of to Chambersburg and Hagerstown, 3.53. Jenkinson's Ferry, Ark., battle of, 3.272. Johnson, Andrew, bold stand taken by in the Senate, 1.226; appointed military governor of Tennessee, 2.235; his inauguration as President, 3.570; impeachment of, 3.620. Johnson Reverdy, resolution offered by in the Washington Peace Congress, 1.241. Johnsonville, destruction of stores at caused by Forrest, 3.418. Johnston, Gen. A. S., in command of the Confederate Western Department, 2.189; killed at the battle of Shiloh, 2.275. Johnston, Gen. J. E., withdraws the rebel forces from Harper's Ferry, 1.521; position and numbers of troops under before the movement on Manassas, 1.583; wounded at Fair Oaks Station, 2.412; movements of for the relief of Vicksburg, 2.624; superseded by Hood, 3.383; details of the surrender of to Sherman, 3.571-3.57
orence, in spite of resistance by Gen. Croxton's brigade of cavalry, there picketing the river. Meantime, Forrest, moving eastward from Corinth, Miss., through Paris, Tenn., with 17 regiments of cavalry and 9 guns, had struck the Tennessee at Johnsonville, an important depot connected by railroad with Nashville, and a chief reliance of that city for supplies; defended by Col. C. R. Thompson, 12th U. S. colored, with 1,000 men, aided by Lt. E. M. King with three gunboats; and several days' Ocski, now fell back, by order, on Columbia; where his corps was concentrated, Nov. 24. as was most of Stanley's; while Gen. Granger withdrew the garrisons from Athens (Ala.), Decatur, and Huntsville, retiring on Stevenson. The force left at Johnsonville now evacuated that post, withdrawing to Clarksville. When the enemy appeared before Columbia, declining to assault, but evincing a purpose to cross Duck river above or below, Gen. Schofield withdrew Nov. 27-8. across that stream; and on le
ns's communications, 270; routed at Parker's Cross-roads, 282; at Chickamauga, 417; his massacre at Fort Pillow, 619; routs Sturgis at Guntown, 621; assails Johnsonville, Tenn., 679. Fort De Russy, captured by A. J. Smith, 537. Fort Donelson, Tenn., map of, 46; invested by Grant, 47; Rebels attempt to cut their way out, 48-9;n, Chattanooga Valley, and Mission Ridge, 438 to 442. Johnson, Zachartah, on the Slave-Trade, 233. Johnson's Island, Lake Erie, plot to seize, 624. Johnsonville, Tenn., assaulted by Forrest, 679. Johnston, Gen. Joseph E., succeeds Beauregard in command of Army of Virginia, 112; evacuates Manassas, 112; attacks Casey at 560. Jackson, Miss., 317. James Island, S. C., 475. James River, Va., 727. Jefferson, Va., 395. Jenkins's Ferry, Ark., 553. Jericho Ford. Va., 577. Johnsonville, Tenn., 679. Jonesboroa, Ga., 636. Jonesville, Va., 598. Kelly's Ford, Va., 98. Kernstown, Va., 114. Kingsport, Tenn., 688. Kinston, N. C., 80. Kirksville