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Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 15: (search)
f musketry told that he was at work, while its decreasing sound indicated that he was driving the enemy. The movement was a counterpart of Cheatham's attack at Perryville, on the left instead of the right. Polk's corps had its right resting on Stone's river This river, which is erroneously called by the Federals Stone river,lternate fields and cedar brakes upon ground nearly level. Cleburne had struck Gen. A. D. McCook's corps, the same which suffered so from Cheatham's assault at Perryville, while the men were at breakfast, and driven them in confusion, capturing a number of prisoners, including Brigadier-General Willich, killing General Sill, and esist after serious loss, Gen. D. W. Adams being severely wounded. General Breckinridge was in command of this attack, the losses in which were heavier than at Perryville. This in brief was the battle of Murfreesboro. General Rosecrans' alignment was now somewhat the two sides of an isosceles triangle, with the railroad cut f