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mer has arrived at Savannah with arms from Europe. Thirty thousand stand are a necessity to my command. I beg you to order them, or as many as can be got, to be instantly procured and sent with dispatch, one-half to Nashville, and the other to Trenton, on the Mobile & Ohio Railroad. The President replied as follows: The steamer was a merchant-vessel. We have purchased as much of the shipment as we could get, less than a sixth of your requisition; some of the lot pledged the troops a horsemen. These arms will be replaced in the hands of the troops by uniform arms at the shortest practicable period. I have selected the following points in your States for the rendezvous of this force, viz.: Knoxville, Nashville, Jackson, Trenton, and Memphis. At each of these places officers will be in readiness to muster in companies, battalions, and regiments, as soon as organized, for the war, or for twelve months, as they decide to serve. At these designated places provision wi
call for slaves for this purpose had been responded to slowly and feebly, as has been shown. The condition of the Confederates in that quarter may be understood from an extract from a letter of General Polk to General Johnston, dated January 11, 1862: My available force is greatly reduced by sickness and absence . . . There are many regiments in my division who are without arms, and several poorly armed. The unarmed regiments are stationed at Forts Pillow, Donelson, and Henry; at Trenton, Union City, and Henderson Station. In my return you will find embraced the brigade of Brigadier-General Alcorn. His men are sixty-day troops from Mississippi, who are armed with every variety of weapon. They are sick with measles, raw, and undisciplined. This brigade cannot be expected to be very effective. I also send you a weekly report of the troops at this post, and am sorry to remark that they have been much reduced by sickness. My effective force is now, as you will see, onl
John Beatty, The Citizen-Soldier; or, Memoirs of a Volunteer, September, 1863. (search)
in this valley years ago; and now, instead of a few poorly cultivated corn-fields, with here and there a cabin, the valley and hillsides would be overflowing with popuulation and wealth. We returned from the site of the iron works by way of Trenton, the seat of justice of Dade county. Reynolds and Sheridan are encamped near Trenton. I feel better since my ride. September, 6 (Sunday.) Marched to Johnson's Crook, and bivouacked, at nightfall, at McKay's Spring, on the north side of LTrenton. I feel better since my ride. September, 6 (Sunday.) Marched to Johnson's Crook, and bivouacked, at nightfall, at McKay's Spring, on the north side of Lookout mountain; here my advance regiment, the Forty-second Indiana, had a slight skirmish with the enemy, in which one man was wounded. September, 7 We gained the summit of Lookout mountain, and the enemy retired to the gaps on the south side. September, 8 Started at four o'clock in the morning and pushed for Cooper's Gap. Surprised a cavalry picket at the foot of the mountain, in McLemore's Cove, Chattanooga valley. In this little affair we captured five sabers, one revolver, o
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Condition of the Army-rebuilding the Railroad- General Burnside's situation-orders for battle-plans for the attack-hooker's position- Sherman's movements (search)
er will at the same time attack, and, if he can, carry Lookout Mountain. The enemy now seems to be looking for an attack on his left flank. This favors us. To further confirm this, Sherman's advance division will march direct from Whiteside to Trenton. The remainder of his force will pass over a new road just made from Whiteside to Kelly's Ferry, thus being concealed from the enemy, and leave him to suppose the whole force is going up Lookout Valley. Sherman's advance has only just reached e of time. His march was conducted with as much expedition as the roads and season would admit of. By the 20th he was himself at Brown's Ferry with the head of column, but many of his troops were far behind, and one division (Ewing's) was at Trenton, sent that way to create the impression that Lookout was to be taken from the south. Sherman received his orders at the ferry, and was asked if he could not be ready for the assault the following morning. News had been received that the battle
toons joined the trestles. We were followed by a few detachments from other commands, and by nearly all the transportation of McCook's corps. After getting to the south side of the Tennessee River I was ordered to Valley Head, where McCook's corps was to concentrate. On the 4th of September I ascended Sand Mountain, but had got only half way across the plateau, on top, when night came, the march having been a most toilsome one. The next day we descended to the base, and encamped near Trenton. On the 10th I arrived at Valley Head, and climbing Lookout Mountain, encamped on the plateau at Indian Falls. The following day I went down into Broomtown Valley to Alpine. The march of McCook's corps from Valley Head to Alpine was in pursuance of orders directing it to advance on Summerville, the possession of which place would further threaten the enemy's communications, it being assumed that Bragg was in full retreat south, as he had abandoned Chattanooga on the 8th. This assumpt
ry method of reestablishing peace, and in their negotiations strongly recommend the abolition of slavery. The rebel expedition to New Mexico, under Colonel Sibley, was met near Fort Fillmore, by a body of California troops under the command of Colonel Canby. A battle ensued, in which the rebels were routed. Colonel Sibley was assassinated by his own men, who charged him with drunkenness and inefficiency. Captain Faulkner, with a body of rebel cavalry, encamped in a swamp near Trenton, Tenn., was surprised by a detachment of the Second Illinois cavalry, losing thirty killed and twenty wounded.--Col. McNeill with a force of one thousand National troops defeated the rebel guerrilla Porter at Kirksville, Mo.--A fight took place in the northern part of Dodd County, Mo., between a party of National troops, under the command of Major Montgomery, and Coffin's rebel guerrillas, in which the latter were defeated, with a loss of eleven killed, four wounded, and seventeen prisoners.
ed and sacked by the rebel army under General Van Dorn. An immense amount of public and private property was carried off or destroyed. The garrison surrendered after a very short resistance.--(Doc. 79.) A skirmish occurred near Halltown, Va., between a detachment of Union cavalry, under the command of Captain Vernon, and a body of rebel guerrillas. After a short fight the rebels were routed, leaving three of their number in the hands of the Unionists.--Frederick Examiner (Md.). Trenton and Humboldt, Tenn., were this day entered and captured by the rebel forces under General Forrest. They burned the depots, and all the Government stores they could not carry off.--(Doc. 80.) A train of wagons, twenty-seven in number, laden with provisions for the army of the Potomac, and a guard of one hundred and seventy men, were captured near Occoquan, Va., by a detachment of rebel cavalry under the command of General Wade Hampton.--Richmond Dispatch, December 24. The expediti
January 30. The United States gunboat, Isaac Smith, under the command of Acting Lieutenant Conover, while reconnoitring in the Stono River, S. C., was fired into by three masked batteries of rifled guns, and, the vessel getting aground, was captured.--(Doc. 114.) A party of National troops under the command of Colonel Wood, Twenty-second Ohio volunteers, left Trenton, Tenn., and proceeded to Dyersburg, where they broke up a camp of rebel guerrillas, under the leadership of Captain Dawson. Thirty-four of Dawson's men were killed or captured, but he himself escaped. Yesterday one hundred conscript rebel soldiers went into Murfreesboro, Tenn., and voluntarily surrendered themselves, declaring their attachment to the Union, requesting the privilege of taking the oath of allegiance, and to-day two hundred more followed their example. The schooner Hanover of Provincetown, Massachusetts, was captured off the south side of San Domingo by the rebel schooner Retribution.--B
might find necessary, and to concentrate near Trenton, and send an advance to seize Frick or Cooperthat point, it being the most direct route to Trenton, in the vicinity of which the corps was order, on the top of Sand Mountain, on the road to Trenton. Brannan's division reached Graham's Store, Reynolds's division marched six miles on the Trenton road from Shellmound. September 4.--Negleyn's division. Reynolds's division in camp at Trenton; Brannan somewhere in the neighborhood. Corpelow Trenton. Reynolds's division in camp at Trenton. Rumors of the enemy's design to evacuate Chorks of the road. Brannan's division reached Trenton. Reynolds remained in camp at that place. Ct night. Reynolds's division headquarters at Trenton, with one brigade at Paine's Mill, three mileved from Brown's Spring to Easeley's Farm, on Trenton and Lebanon road. September 10.--General N's division marched to Long's Springs, on the Trenton road, and two brigades of Davis's division we[6 more...]
day, the twenty-fourth, and the bridge completed, giving General Smith two days to examine the ground with the two brigade commanders, and to give all the necessary detailed instructions to insure success. General Hooker reported on the twenty-sixth that he would be ready to move on the twenty-seventh at daylight. He was instructed to move at the appointed time with full directions how to provide for the defence of his flank, and to cover the approaches to the road from the direction of Trenton. The bridge was successfully thrown across the rivers on the night of the twenty-sixth, and General Hooker reached Lookout Valley, and communicated with this place on the twenty-eighth. The enemy attempted to surprise him the night after he reached his position in Lookout Valley, and after an obstinate contest of two hours duration was completely repulsed, with a loss of upward of one thousand five hundred killed and wounded, over one hundred prisoners, and several hundred stand of arms.
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