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L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Pauline Cushman, the celebrated Union spy and scout of the Army of the Cumberland. (search)
and under this pretence she was to visit the rebel armies at Columbia, Shelbyville, Wartrace, Tullahoma, and Manchester. She was to make no direct inquiries of officers or others concerning the stras if the night had been spent comfortably in her bed. After several stirring adventures at Tullahoma, where she made a short stay, she returned to Columbia, where she remained awhile, engaged in litary superiors, not to make drawings, plans, etc., of fortifications; and at Shelbyville and Tullahoma she made careful and accurate drawings, which she concealed between the inner and outer soles mbus, together with the sketches and memoranda that she had made, of various fortifications at Tullahoma, Shelbyville, Spring Hill, etc. Staggered almost to faintness by the sight of these tell-tale Amusing instance of rebel desertion. After the recent advance of our army upon Bragg at Tullahoma, and his retreat, the Pioneer Brigade pushed on to Elk river to repair a bridge. While one of
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Keller or Killdare, one of the scouts of the Army of the Cumberland. (search)
d be some skirmishing by the Federals, but that the battle would be fought at Tullahoma, and they had not more than one corps at Shelbyville, which was under Generalns go as far as Lewisport, in Giles county, and the forage is then shipped to Tullahoma, and even farther back, for safe keeping — as far as Bridgeport. Confederatewo for one of Georgia; Tennessee, two and one half for one. I next went to Tullahoma; and there I met on the cars a major on Bragg's staff, and scraped an acquainintroduction of a Nashville gentleman. When we arrived within a few miles of Tullahoma, he made a short statement to me, called me to the platform, and pointed out sand men, well disciplined; twenty thousand of them are cavalry. When I left Tullahoma, I could not buy meat nor bread. When I arrived at Chattanooga, I gave a nit were from Nashville; they were glad to see me. I commenced my return to Tullahoma with a captain from Nashville, who also showed me the rifle-pits, as I before
L. P. Brockett, The camp, the battlefield, and the hospital: or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion, Bible Smith, the East Tennessee scout and spy. (search)
oldiers had unslung and were holding ready to apply to Bible's flanks. Why, ye karn't mean thet! ye karn't mean thet, cunnel! again piteously cried the scout, Wh — wh — whot'll become on the old 'ooman-whot'll become on the cow-brutes? D-n the old woman and the cow-brutes, shouted the officer, riding forward and leaving the new recruit to his fate. And thus Bible marched to the Tullahoma and thus he enlisted in the second regiment of Alabama Infantry. He remained a fortnight at Tullahoma, and while there obtained a correct idea of the number and disposition of the enemies' forces, and brought away with him, in his head, an accurate map of the rebel fortifications. Desertions being frequent, the picket lines had been doubled, and when he was ready to leave, it had become next to impossible to penetrate them. But he was equal to the emergency, and hit upon a bold expedient which proved successful. Restrictions had been laid by the commanding general on the importation o