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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter 7: Cambridge in later life (search)
ight among the pine trees with the pretty lake in sight and mountains farther off .... Then close behind us are the children of Thayer, the New York artist, wild, very picturesque little creatures . ... There is a perpetual Pumpelly circus [children of Raphael Pumpelly]. .. . They keep seven ponies and are always riding about the country, bare-backed and astride, boys and girls alike. One boy, Raphael, ... is always galloping about with long curls over his shoulders, like a sort of angelic Comanche. . . . Rob is here, and enjoying it much, but the dogs suffer terribly from getting hedgehogs' quills into their mouths and noses; he has had only one moderate dose, but often their mouths are like pincushions and they have to be put under ether and each quill pulled out by forceps. July 31, 1890 Last night I got up an entertainment in the Town Hall for the Dublin Library. There were beautiful tableaux arranged by artists, in a full-sized frame — mostly simple figures, Venetian, Swis