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r turnpike to Green Springs Cross-Roads, and sent Captain Hanley to Aldie to join the picket who had sent for reenforcements. As per order, o'clock on the morning of the sixteenth instant, I proceeded toward Aldie, and when near there I threw out patrols and pickets in the differeng of the seventeenth instant, while I staid with the main force at Aldie. During the night Captain Hanley came upon a small party of the enwhich had been stationed along the roads, and then proceeded toward Aldie, which place they entered about five o'clock Thursday afternoon. Paville, the enemy's cavalry following for some distance. While at Aldie, a noted bushwacker, named Edward Hutchinson, was captured just beylled, and is so much of a brute that even the secesh inhabitants of Aldie hoped he would be hung. He has been the terror of the neighborhoodIt is to be hoped he will meet with the punishment he deserves. At Aldie, headquarters were established at the house of Doctor Boyle. The D
cavalry. He has done as much as could be done by a citizen-soldier. On the third day of the expedition, by the strategical march through Leesburgh, instead of Aldie, my command arrived safely in camp at Chantilly. L. P. Di Cesnola, Colonel Fourth New-York Cavalry, commanding First Cavalry Brigade, Gen. Stahel's Division, Eled the roads were not in the most desirable condition, the troops moved on with alacrity and were in good spirits at the prospect of having a brush with the enemy. Aldie--sixteen miles--was reached soon after sunrise, where a short halt was made. Leaving the command of Colonel Von Gilsa at this place, General Stahel moved on throu command to fall back, which was done in good order — the rebel scouts following closely the rear-guard. As the expediency of returning to Chantilly by the way of Aldie — the infantry, under Col. Von Gilsa, left at that point, having gone back to Chantilly, and the place being convenient for a rebel force from the Valley to concen
upon the tongues of all, at the same time it is due to the truth of history to state that the Eighteenth Indiana, whose mortality list is larger than any regiment engaged, and the Ninety-ninth Illinois, were in the charge, that Captain Charles of company H, of the former regiment, was the first to jump upon one of the cannons and claim it as his trophy. Amos Neagle, private, company K, also captured the color-bearer and colors of the Fifteenth Arkansas, inscribed with the battle-fields of Oak Hill, Elkhorn, Corinth, and Hatchie bridge. All this time, from first to last, the indefatigable First Indiana battery, in charge of the brave Klaus, was pouring shot and shell into the enemy, firing in all one thousand and fifty rounds in point-blank range. The entire line of my brigade was now advanced through the woods, and, moving by the right flank, passed up tho road in quick pursuit of the flying rebels. Arriving in front of the second position taken by the rebels, we were halted to re