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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Boydton (Virginia, United States) or search for Boydton (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boydton plank road, battle of. (search)
Boydton plank road, battle of.
After the National troops had taken possession of the Weldon Railroad, the Boydton plank road became the chief channel of communication for Lee in that quarter, and he extended his intrenchments along its line to the vicinity of Hatcher's Run.
The corps of Warren and Parke were sent to assail th of these intrenchments, while hancock's corps and Gregg's cavalry, well towards its left, should swing around to the west side of Hatcher's Run, sweep across the Boydton road, and seize the Southside Railway.
The Boydton road was a few miles west of the Weldon Railway.
The movement began on the morning of Oct. 27, 1864, and at nBoydton road was a few miles west of the Weldon Railway.
The movement began on the morning of Oct. 27, 1864, and at nine o'clock the Confederate line was struck, but it was not broken.
Warren's corps made its way to the west of hatcher's Run to gain the Confederate rear.
Crawford's division got entangled and broken in an almost impassable swamp.
An attempt of a part of Howard's corps to form a junction with Crawford's troops was defeated by th