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lem plank-road to Hatcher's run, whenever the forces can be used advantageously. After getting into line south of Hatcher's, we pushed forward to find the enemy's position. General Griffin was attacked near where the Quaker road intersects the Boydton road, but repulsed it easily, capturing about one hundred men. Humphreys reached Dabney's mill, and was pushing on when last heard from. I now feel like ending the matter, if it is possible to do so, before.going back. I do not want you, thing back slowly on Dinwiddie Court-house. General McKenzie's cavalry and one division of the Fifth corps were immediately ordered to his assistance. Soon after, receiving a report from General Meade that Humphreys could hold our position on the Boydton road, and that the other two divisions of the Fifth corps could go to Sheridan, they were so ordered at once. Thus the operations of the day necessitated the sending of Warren, because of his accessibility, instead of Humphreys, as was intended
se, on Hatcher's run, to the intersection of the Dabney's mill and Boydton plank-roads. Major-General Warren during this day advanced on t Second divisions went into camp, covering the Vaughan, Flat Foot, Boydton plank, and Five Forks roads, which all intersect at Dinwiddie Cour, was in position near S. Dabney's house, in the angle between the Boydton road and the Five Forks road. Had General Warren moved accordind from the direction of its line of battle until it fronted on the Boydton road. and parallel to it, which afforded an opportunity to the enThis forced Devin, who was in advance, and Davies, to cross to the Boydton road. General Gregg's brigade and General Gibbs' brigade, who hadld in front of Dinwiddie, and Davies and Devin are coming down the Boydton road to join us. The opposing force was Pickett's division, Wis support. Two divisions will go by J. Boissean's and one down the Boydton road. In addition to this I have sent McKenzie's cavalry, which w