Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Boydton (Virginia, United States) or search for Boydton (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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pleted, Grant designed to move to the left, and not only seize the Boydton road, but, if possible, the Southside road itself, the last of theand re-crossed several times. This creek flows east as far as the Boydton road, crossing it under a bridge at Burgess's mill, but shortly afy in the path of the national army, covering every approach to the Boydton road. Parke, who was to start out nearest the enemy, had been i Warren, crossing Hatcher's run below the bend, and proceed to the Boydton road; then turning north, he was to re-cross the run west of the bnemy's works extended only to the crossing of Hatcher's run by the Boydton road, and that they were incomplete, and weakly manned. This p works on the western bank, and then moved rapidly on towards the Boydton road. With the cavalry on his left, he had advanced as far as thentrenchments extended only to the crossing of Hatcher's run by the Boydton road. But when, instead of this, they were found to stretch sever
was uninterrupted from the Appomattox to the Boydton road, and the army was formed in the followinonal army at every point from Richmond to the Boydton road, Grant concluded that the rebel lines muce ordered this detached force to move to the Boydton road, march down to Dinwiddie, and join the ldie, and Davies and Devin are coming down the Boydton road to join us. . . . The men behaved splends from Sheridan. Warren was still across the Boydton road, his Headquarters four and a half miles rren draw back at once to his position on the Boydton road, and send a division of infantry to Sherat will be by J. M. Brooks and R. Boisseau on Boydton plank road. You must be very prompt in thisamped.— Ayres's Report. The bridge on the Boydton road at the crossing of Gravelly run was brokfive minutes past two A. M. the bridge on the Boydton road was complete, and Ayres advanced; but th had been swung around till it fronted on the Boydton road. This created an opportunity for the en[15 more...]
th, so that the Sixth corps faced both north and west, and fronted towards the Boydton road. The command was formed in three divisions, the centre somewhat in advaneck the advance of the troops, and parties from each division soon reached the Boydton road and the Southside railway, breaking up the rails and cutting the rebel te's works in their front. Wright's troops, some of them, pushed through to the Boydton road, and cut the telegraph wire. Ord is now going in to reinforce Wright, anhe garrison. Mott's division of the same corps was then pushed forward to the Boydton road, but found the rebels on that front had evacuated their line. At 8.25 together they retraced their steps, and advanced on the right and left of the Boydton road, towards Petersburg, Humphreys following with two divisions, leaving Mileinder of his corps, having made his breach in the lines, and moved up from the Boydton road. He now reassumed command of Miles, and Sheridan faced the Fifth corps b
ed me about ten o'clock A. M. to-day on the road coming in from the west of Dinwiddie court-house. This attack was very handsomely repulsed by General Smith's brigade of Crook's division, and the enemy was driven across Chamberlain's creek. Shortly afterwards the enemy's infantry attacked on the same creek in heavy force, and drove in General Davies' brigade, and, advancing rapidly, gained the forks of the road at J. Boisseau's. This forced Devin—who was in advance—and Davies to cross the Boydton road. General Gregg's brigade and General Gibbes's brigade, which were towards Dinwiddie, then attacked the enemy in rear very handsomely: this stopped his march towards the left of our infantry, and finally caused him to turn towards Dinwiddie and attack us in heavy force. The enemy then again attacked at Chamberlain's creek and forced General Smith's position. At this time Capehart's and Pennington's brigades of Custer's division came up, and a very handsome fight occurred. The enem