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Your search returned 616 results in 217 document sections:
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., The old powder house. (search)
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., More about the powder house. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fast life in New York. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 28, 1860., [Electronic resource], Large Fire in New York (search)
Large Fire in New York
--Loss, $500,000.
A fire, involving the destruction of property valued in the aggregate at over half a million of dollars, broke out in New York soon after midnight of Saturday, in the large brown-stone warehouse at the corner of Church street, occupied by E. Stone & Co., dry goods dealers and importers.
A number of fire companies were at the moment passing through Broadway, on their return from a fire in Front street, and as quickly as possible they got to work.
The intense cold, however, made their operations exceedingly difficult, as the hydrants had frozen, and considerable time elapsed before water could be obtained.--The Times says:
Meantime the flames had burst out of every window in the upper story of the building on Church street side, and had thence communicated to the adjoining premises on Warren street, from which it extended to the building in the rear, fronting on Murray street, making an area of fire two hundred feet in length by
The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The American Bonapartes. (search)