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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Fayal and the Portuguese. (search)
e thinks what a knowing race we came from, it is really wonderful where we Yankees picked up our honesty. Let us take one more glance from the window; for there is a mighty jingling and rattling, the children are all running to see something, and the carriage is approaching. The carriage : it is said advisedly; for there is but one street on the island passable to such an equipage, and but one such equipage to enjoy its privileges,--only one, that is, drawn by horses, and presentable in Broadway. There are three other vehicles, each the object of envy and admiration, but each drawn by oxen only. There is the Baroness, who sports a sort of butcher's cart, with a white top; within lies a mattress, and on the mattress recline her ladyship and her daughter, as the cart rumbles and stumbles over the stones;nor they alone, for, on emerging from an evening party, I have seen the oxen of the Baroness, unharnessed, quietly munching their hay at the foot of the stairs, while a pair of bar