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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 12 (search)
ore daylight.—Report, p. 12. The statement above made is based on the official reports of General Smith and his division commanders. Without inquiring too curiously in regard to this matter, it is enough to say, that the assertion of the lieutenant-general is not in conformity with a series of established facts in regard to the sequence of events on the morning of the 15th. Thus, it was some time after daylight before the column began to move from its point of passage of the Appomattox at Broadway. It was then brought to a halt by the line of rifle-pits already mentioned, and it was after nine o'clock before it got under way again. It is probably this line of rifle-pits that the lieutenant-general means when he speaks of confronting the enemy near Petersburg. Moreover, this affair caused a further delay; for the carrying of these trenches had thrown General Hinks out of his assigned position on the left, and as he knew the country better than any one present, it was necessary to h