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saster at Thompson's Station shall be retrieved. It is reported at Murfreesboro' that Van-Dorn has been defeated and most of his man captured. Rosecrans has ordered that all persons whose natural supporters are in the rebel service, and whose sympathies and connections prevent assurance of their loyalty, will hold themselves in readiness to go South of his lines within ten days. Hon. Mr. Voorhee, of Indians, made a speech Tuesday evening before the Union Democratic Association in Broadway. Mr. V. commenced by saying that the people had waked up to the fact declared in the first line of the Constitution, that "we the people make this Government." He owed no allegiance to any Government but the people and the Constitution. He held it as his right to condemn anything wrong that Lincoln or his Cabinet did. He said the Black Republican party was covered all over with the leprosy of crime and wrong. He concluded by urging "when the Government went outside of the limits of law,