Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 17, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Broadway (Virginia, United States) or search for Broadway (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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dor of magnificent, dresses, which literally sweep the pavements. Balls, weddings and parties are gotten up regardless of expense, and in their splendid appointments surpass those of the most prosperous times of peace. Newport and Saratoga, thus early, are beginning to fill, and the season at the watering places promises to exceed all previous ones in extravagance, in gaiety and display. A gentleman lately at the North, while in New York went into one of the largest jewelry stores on Broadway. That well-known house had added to its usual business an extensive military goods store, furnishing everything from swords to shoulder straps. "I suppose," said the gentleman, "that in these depressing times your military business has in some degree lessened your losses by the nonsale of articles in your jewelry store." "On the contrary," was the reply, "our sales of military goods, large as they are, are actually nothing in comparison with our regular business, particularly in plate and