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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee and Grant in the Wilderness. (search)
ng of the 5th-Ewell on the old pike, Hill continuing on the plank road, Johnson's Division leading the advance, with Ewell and Heth's Division leading with Hill. Hill's troops had advanced beyond Mine run some miles, when several shots were heard far to the right, and soon after others directly in front. This firing was repeated, and at times in vivacity almost equal to an active infantry skirmish. That on the right was believed to be between the cavalry of the two armies on or near the Catharpin road, while that in front was between Kirkland's Brigade, of Heth's Division, and the enemy's cavalry, mostly dismounted. The fire in front occasioned but little delay. A few of the enemy's dead and wounded were seen on the roadside as the troops moved on. Near Parker's store, the flank of the column was struck by a small body of cavalry. They disappeared at once in a dense thicket; but a regiment (Thirty-eighth North Carolina, Colonel Ashford) of Scales' Brigade, Wilcox's Division, rem
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Brigadier-General Perry of battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
at road. Upon reporting my position to General Anderson I was directed to remain there until morning. On the morning of May 5th, by direction of General Anderson, I moved to the vicinity of the Morgan house, on the plank road. There I remained until about four o'clock P. M., when, with the other brigades of the division, I moved up the plank road and bivouacked for the night. Early in the morning of the sixth, by order of General Anderson, I detached two regiments, posted one on the Catharpin road, and one at the fork of the plank road and the road leading to Spotsylvania Courthouse, halting the other regiment where the Furnace road crossed the plank road. About one o'clock I called in my regiments and returned to my old camp. The conduct of both officers and men of mycommand, through the tiresome marches and continued watching, as well as while en- Gen. Perry's Report of the Battle of Chancellorsville. 207 gaging the enemy, was such as to merit high praise. The firm
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Stonewall Jackson's last battle. (search)
de, as the long line of our troops cheerily, but in silence as directed, poured down the Furnace road. His cap was pulled low over his eyes, and, looking up from under the visor, with lips compressed, indicating the firm purpose within, he nodded to me, and in brief and rapid utterance, without a superfluous word, as though all were distinctly formed in his mind and beyond question, he gave me orders for our wagon and ambulance trains. From the open fields in our rear, at the head of the Catharpin road, all trains were to be moved upon that road to Todd's Tavern, and thence west by interior roads, so that our troops would be between them and the enemy at Chancellorsville. My orders having been delivered and the trains set in motion, I returned to the site of our night's bivouac, to find that General Jackson and his staff had followed the marching column. Slow and tedious is the advance of a mounted officer who has to pass, in narrow wood roads through dense thickets, the packed
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Through the Wilderness. (search)
Ricketts's F, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery was posted with the troops of General Getty.--editors. Frank's brigade of Barlow's division was stationed partly across the Brock road, near the junction of the Brock road and a cross-road leading to the Catharpin road. All of Hancock's corps were directed to throw up breastworks of logs and earth, the intrenched line beginning at Getty's left and extending to Barlow's left, where it was refused to cover the flank. The second line, of the Second Corps,my, and then took our place at 4 P. M. of the 8th of May on the Brock road, about one mile south-east of Todd's tavern.--A. S. W. At 11 A. M.,says General Humphreys, Hancock sent his leading brigade under Miles to make a reconnoissance down the Catharpin road toward Corbin's Bridge, about two miles distant. Miles had his own brigade, one battery, and one brigade of Gregg's cavalry. He found Hampton's cavalry, and held them at bay until 5:30 P. M. While returning, Miles was attacked by Mahone'
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 11: advance of the Army of the Potomac on Richmond. (search)
to move with the cavalry divisions of Gregg and Torbert against the Confederate cavalry, in the direction of Hamilton's Crossing, near Fredericksburg, and, at the same time, Wilson's division was ordered to move to Craig's Meeting-House, on the Catharpin road, and to send out from that point detachments upon other highways to watch the foe. Hancock was directed to move to Shady Grove Church, and extend his right toward the Fifth Corps, at Parker's store, while Warren, marching to the latter planchments, growing more formidable every hour. During the day Wilson had penetrated to the village with his cavalry, but, being unsupported, was compelled to retire. On the same day the brigade of General Miles was thrown out by Hancock on the Catharpin road, with a brigade of Gregg's cavalry and a, battery of artillery, to meet any hostile approach from that direction. Near Corbyn's Bridge they were attacked, when the assailants were repulsed and driven. On Sunday night, the 8th of May, 18
of morning appeared in the east, he had finished his arduous task. The following was the exact disposition of General Warren's entire force. The front line extended a mile in length, and the troops were formed in two and three lines, while great care had been taken to post strong supports at the proper points, to guard against the disastrous results that would ensue from an attack of superior numbers. General H. D. Terry, commanding Third division, Sixth corps, was stationed along the Catharpin road, to hold the left flank and act as reserve. General Hayes, commanding Third division, Second corps, extended his troops in two lines to the right, reaching the railroad. General Webb, commanding Second division, Second corps, joined General Hayes's forces, uniting with General Prince, commanding Seccond division, Third corps, which was also formed in two lines. General Carr, Third division, Third corps, next followed, in two parallel lines, with a strong reserve reaching to the pla
ere he would effect a junction with the Second corps. Major-General Warren was ordered to cross at Germania Ford and take the turnpike to Robertson's Tavern. The Fifth corps, Major-General Sykes, was directed to cross at Culpeper Ford, and taking the plank-road, to continue his march as far as Parker's Store, and if practicable, to the crossing of the road from Robertson's Tavern. A division of cavalry, under Brigadier-General Gregg, was ordered to cross at Ely's Ford, and proceed on the Catharpin road as far as Corbin's bridge, to cover the left flank of the army. A division of cavalry, under General Custer, held the upper fords of the Rapidan; and the Third division, under General Merritt, was ordered to guard the trains assembled at Richardsville. Anticipating an attempt on the part of the enemy to check the heads of columns until he could get in position, and looking for this attack first on my right flank, the nearest to his known position, I ordered the Sixth corps, Major-Ge
e joined me at dark. During the night, Posey's brigade constructed a line of breastworks. At daylight, on the third, Perry's brigade was directed to gain the Catharpin road, and move towards the furnace. At sunrise, when it was supposed that General Perry had time to reach the vicinity of the furnace, General Posey's skirmishemy men in the woods for rest. Some time before daylight of the morning of the third of May, I moved my command, by direction of Major-General Anderson, down the Catharpin road, for the purpose of scouring the country to the left of and rear of the left of Major-General Anderson's line. I found the country clear, and moved up by tved up the plank road and bivouacked for the night. Early in the morning of the sixth, by order of General Anderson, I detached two regiments, posted one on the Catharpin road and one at fork of plank road and the road leading to Spottsylvania Court-House, halting the other regiment where the furnace road crossed the plank road.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 6. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The battle of the Wilderness. (search)
l, with great respect, your obedient servant, J. Longstreet, Lieutenant-General. To Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. Operations of Kershaw's division. On the 4th of May, 1864, in camp near Gordonsville, Virginia, I received orders from the Lieutenant-General Commanding to put my division in motion to join the First and Third corps, between Orange Courthouse and Fredericksburg. On arriving within ten miles of the scene of action at the Wilderness, we bivouacked on the Catharpin road on the afternoon of the 5th. At 1 o'clock A. M. of the 6th, put the command in motion and reached General Lee's position on the Orange Plank road with the head of the column, and reported to Lieutenant-General Longstreet, who directed me to relieve the division of Major-General Wilcox, in our front. Proceeding with a staff officer of General Wilcox, who was to indicate the position, I moved the column down the road by a flank, preceding them by some four hundred yards. During this m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of operations of Bratton's brigade from May 7th, 1864 to January, 1865. (search)
derness, 6th May, 1864. The morning of the 7th May found the brigade in line of battle on the right of and perpendicular to the plank road, along the ridge that had been so hotly contested on the morning before. A crude breastwork of logs was thrown up, and we remained in this position until about nine o'clock P. M., when orders to move came. Skirmishing was more or less brisk all day; our loss was eight or ten men wounded. We moved in accordance with orders across the railroad, by the Catharpin road to Spotsylvania Court-house, and arrived in the vicinity on the next morning (the 8th instant) at about ten o'clock, to find the enemy's cavalry in possession of and between us and the courthouse. My brigade formed on the right of the road, and moved down to the court-house, the enemy retiring before us, and abandoning the place without a fight. We then changed front to the left and moved up----road to the Brock road, where Kershaw and Humphries's brigades were fighting. I took p