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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 2. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—Richmond. (search)
the morrow. Huger, following a road called the Charles City road, was to pass to the right of White Oak Swam south of it there were three principal ones—the Charles City road, following the right bank of White Oak Swamtersecting the Central road and merging into the Charles City road, to connect with the Quaker road in the Glethem any assistance, he remained inactive on the Charles City road, while the Federals continued their march uoyed Slocum's division, his right resting on the Charles City road. Heintzelman, who had crossed the swamp at followed the right bank, were to debouch by the Charles City road into the northern angle; those who had comechmond. Slocum was deployed on the right of the Charles City road, his left resting upon this road and facingds, having sent a few detachments forward on the Charles City road. They were therefore to debouch directly ew Confederate detachments, coming by way of the Charles City road, had attacked Slocum, but were easily repul