Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 8, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Columbia (Virginia, United States) or search for Columbia (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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n service and other persons. An act to provide for the collection of taxes and other public dues in the hands of disloyal and defaulting officers of the Commonwealth, &c. The Senate bill to empower the Governor to have made out and flied in the State Department complete lists of the Virginia forces, was passed. The following bills were reported: From the Committee on Propositions and Grievances: A bill to allow further time for the owners of lots in the town of Columbia, Fluvanna county, to build on and improve the same. This bill was read a second time. From the Committee on Finance: A bill authorizing the recovery of money stolen from the Exchange Bank of Virginia, at Weston. A bill amending and re-enacting section 1st of the Act, providing for the prompt payment of interest on the various bonds guaranteed by the Commonwealth, passed Feb. 10 h, 1860. From the Committee on Claims: A bill for the relief of W. T Mitchell. On motion of Mr Bass, the