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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 25. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.43 (search)
T. S. Mitchell, Forty-second Infantry, Martinsville, Henry county. P. W. Dalton, Forty-second Infantry, Martinsville, Henry county. H. L. Hoover, Twenty-fifth Infantry, Staunton. T. J. Kirk, Fourth Infantry, Christiansburg. T. C. Chandler, Forty-seventh Infantry, Bowling Green. A. R. Angell, Forty-second Infantry, Rocky Mount, Franklin county. G. W. Finley, Fifty-sixth Infantry, Clarksville. W. McGaulley, Ninth Cavalry, Warsaw. J. C. Allen, Seventh Cavalry, Edinburg, Shenandoah county. L. B. Doyle, Fifth Infantry, Lexington. J. W. A. Ford, Twentieth Cavalry, Lewisburg. A. W. Edwards, Fifteenth Cavalry, Princess Anne county. W. H. Morgan, Eleventh Infantry, Campbell county. J. D. Greener, Fiftieth Infantry, Tazewell county. C. P. Harper, Twenty-first Infantry, Mecklenburg. Isaac Coles, Sixth Cavalry, Peytonsburg. S. M. Dent, Fifth Cavalry, Alexandria. Erasmus L. Bell, Tenth Infantry, Luray. C. D. Hall, Forty-eighth Infantry, Lee, Page count
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 27. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Diary of Captain James M. Garnett, ordnance officer Rodes's division, 2d corps, army of Northern Virginia. (search)
r division, was wounded, and his ambulance captured; we learn that he has since died. Ran. Hutchinson, of our staff, is missing, supposed to be captured. I was not present at the fight, or the stampede, our ordnance trains being ordered down after the success of the morning, starting from Mt. Jackson about 5 1/2 P. M,, but before getting to Woodstock, about 10 1/2 P. M., we were ordered back and kept on to Rude's Hill, the quartermaster train following soon after. Estill and I stayed at Edinburg that night and joined our divisions next morning as they passed through. The troops came back that day (Thursday) to their old camps near New Market and we came back here. It was quite humiliating to come back up the Valley after another thrashing, but we are getting use to them now. We did, however, gain a brilliant victory in the morning, and if we had only kept on, we might have reaped the fruits of it. We have been here since last Thursday evening, nothing of interest occurring. The
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Very complete roll [from the Richmond, A., Dispatch, September 16th, 1900.] (search)
any C, 10th Virginia Infantry. Resides at Edinburg, Va. Allison, John H.—Wounded at Cedar Run, 10th Virginia Infantry, 1862. Resides at Edinburg, Va. Baker, Joseph—Teamster. Resides at Fissferred from Imboden's Cavalry. Resides near Edinburg. Boyer, William M.—Transferred? Brannonompany E, 28th Virginia Infantry. Resides at Edinburg. Estey, Dilmon—Transferred from Company C,y C, 10th Virginia Infantry. Resides near Edinburg, Va. Hopewell, A. J.—Same. Harris, Thomasubsequently to 7th Virginia Cavalry. Died at Edinburg since the war. Henson, Thomas J.—Transferry C, 10th Virginia Infantry. Resides near Edinburg, Va. Kneisley, Luther B.—Surrendered near Woat Aurelia, Ia. Marston, Joseph H.—Died at Edinburg since the war. Newland, Jesse—Resides at Hambpany C, 10th Virginia Infantry, and died near Edinburg since the war. Palmer, John—Transferred fry C, 10th Virginia Infantry. Resides near Edinburg, Va. Sonner, Joseph W.—Transferred from Com
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
ture and commerce by the Mark Lone Express, the Farmers' Journal and the Gardeners' Chronicle. The various shades of opinion in the Anglican Church are represented by The Guardian, The English Churchman, the John Bull, The Recorder; the Dissenters have Non-Conformists, The Patriot and The Bulwark; the Methodist, the British Banner and the Wesleyan Times; the Roman Catholic Church, The Tablet and the Weekly Register.--The small towns have generally their weekly gazettes, while such a city as Edinburg has eighteen, and Glasgow thirty, besides their daily papers. Politically, the London Times, "that Proteus of journalism, represents, properly speaking, only the fluctuations of public opinion, to the pressure of which it invariably yields; it owes its power, perhaps, solely to that unquenchable mobility which is its only role and its pervading spirit." The Morning Post, The Globe, The Observer, the Edinburgh Review, The Examiner, are mentioned as the principal organs of the Whig party
Messrs. Woodhouse & Co. They were all published by Appleton & Co. Quiet Thoughts for Quiet Hours. By the author of "Life's Morning," "Life's Evening," "Sunday Hours," &c. Boston: J. E. Tilton & Co.--A very neat volume, of a pious and poetical character. For sale by Woodhouse & Co. Considerations on some of the elements and conditions of Social Welfare and Human Progress. Being Academic and occasional discourses and other pieces, by C. T. Henry, D. D. New York: D. Appleton & Co. For sale by Woodhouse & Co. Chambers' EncyclopÆdia.--We have the twenty-first part of this EncyclopÆdia now issuing by D. Appleton & Co., from Messrs. Woodhouse & Co. Songs of Ireland; edited and annotated by Samuel Lover, author of "Handy Andy," "Rory O'More, " &c.--illustrated. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald. For sale by Woodhouse & Co. Reviews.--We have received from Messrs. Woodhouse & Co., agents for the American reprints, the London Quarterly and Edinburg Reviews for October.
Application of chloroform in neuralgia. The Edinburg Medical Journal contains an account, by Dr. Little, of his successful mode of applying chloroform in neuralgia, &c. Dr. L.'s mode of application is, to take a piece of lint, a little less in size than the watch-glass to be used — which need not be more than two inches in diameter — putting it on the hollow side of the glass, pouring on it a few drops of chloroform sufficient to saturate it, and then applying it at once to the part effected, keeping the edges of the glass closely applied to the skin, by covering it with the hand, for the purpose of keeping it in position, as well as of assisting the evaporation of the chloroform. This is done from five to ten minutes, according to the amount of irritation wished for. The patient, during this time, will complain of the gradual increase of burning sensation — not so severe as that produced by a mustard sinapism — which reaches its height in five minutes, and then abates, bu
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1861., [Electronic resource], Arrival of Ex-President Buchanan at home (search)
The village wonders. Like one greater than either of us, "we woke one morning, and found ourselves famous."--We had waked the previous morning very humdrum, ordinary specimens of the feminine gender, in Edinburg; this morning, we found ourselves at a Highland village, and, as I have above said, famous. Who are they? That was the question that absorbed the postmaster and the toll-keeper — it perplexed the minister and the hotel-keeper — it interested the visitors at the hotel, and the cotters by the loch-side — the very dogs and birds inquired in their mute language, "Who are they?" --It's a pity we were not young men, for we could have enjoyed ourselves much more even than we did, since we should not have needed to be so proper and quiet. That was what we were not; but what we were, was the question. All that was known was, that two ordinary-looking girls had suddenly appeared in the village at that dreamy fairy-time, a Highland sunset — that they had no luggage but what the
and take care that they do not get hurt. Old Rockingham has done exceedingly well, sending over 800 men to the field. Two of the strongest "Union men" in the Convention were her representatives. Last Monday an affray took place at Dayton, in which Mr. Rhoer had his skull badly injured. He is an ardent Secessionist, was in his store conversing on the all-engrossing theme, and in speaking of some men, remarked, "they are only those who have been egged. " A man, named Blakemore, having gone through that interesting process, took the remark as personal, picked up a heavy weight and threw it at Mr. R. The man was brought here and committed to jail. Two men were killed the other night, by the cars running over them at Edinburg, Shenandoah. The ladies are still busily engaged at the Hall. They had six sewing machines at work yesterday, finishing the tents for the Cavalry. Four Confederate flags are flying before me, two of them on poles 100 feet high. De Leon.
Later from Europe.Arrival of the Europa! St. Johns, Dec. 11. --The steamship Europa arrived off Cape Race yesterday, with Liverpool dates to the 1st, and Queenstown dates to the 2d inst. The Atlantic and Edinburg had arrived out. The general news is unimportant. Italian affairs had undergone no change.--The garrison of Gaeta had made a sortie, but were repulsed with great loss. The American money crisis has caused specie shipments. The Europa has a considerable amount, and large shipments are expected to be made by the Atlantic. These movements caused a renewal of gold withdrawals from Bank on the 30th. Commercial. Liverpool, Dec. 11. --Cotton sales for the week 70,000 bales. The market ruled firm, with a good trade demand and closing firm on Friday at full prices and a slight advance. Stock in port 535,000 bales including 490,000 American. Breadstuffs have a downward tendency, except Corn, which is steady. Provisions steady. Con
four of his company were sent on through here Tuesday. We were pained to learn that two of them were the sons of Holmes Conrad, Esq. They were killed by the same fire and fell side by side Peyton R. Harrison was also one of the killed: the name of the fourth we could not learn. The Rockingham Regiment. The Harrisonburg (Va.) Register furnishes the annexed list of the killed and wounded of the Rockingham Regiment, which was in the thickest of the fight: Killed.--Southern Greys, Edinburg.--Lt. John W. Heaton, shot in the heart with a musket ball; died a few hours after he was shot. Valley Guards, Harrisonburg--Privates John W. Bowles, printer, of New Market, and Isminius A. Moore, of Mt. Jackson. Mr. Bowles was instantly killed by a musket shot through the heart. Mr. Moore was shot and received a bayonet wound. He died on Monday morning. Page Volunteers, Luray.--Privates Ambrose Comer, John W. Kite, and James H. Gaines, all instantly killed by musket shots.
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