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ous products of Horticulture, an interest has been excited, and a spirit of inquiry awakened, auspicious to the Institution, while a powerful impulse has been given to all the branches of rural industry, far beyond our most sanguine hopes. To foster and extend a taste for the pleasant, useful and refined art of Gardening, the time appears to have arrived for enlarging the sphere of action, and giving the most ample development to the original design of the Society. The London, Paris, Edinburg, and Liverpool Horticultural Associations, have each established Experimental Gardens, and the beneficial effects have been conspicuously experienced; and not only throughout England, Scotland and France,--but the whole civilized world is deriving advantages from those magnificent depositories, of the rarest products which have been collected from the vast domains of Pomona and Flora. These noble precedents have been followed in Russia, Germany, Holland and Italy. We also must emulate the
of the First Consul, who had seen with displeasure that the French Institute had awarded a prize medal to Sir H. Davy for his galvanic experiments, and at a levee rated the wise men of his land, for allowing themselves to be taught chemistry by an Englishman, and anatomy by a German. In Paris the two lecturers began publishing. They remained in that city until 1813. The next year, Spurzheim went over to England, and thence to Scotland, lecturing in various places, London included. To Edinburg he devoted seven months, the Edinburg Review having come out very strongly against him. He procured but one letter of introduction for that city, that was to the reputed author of the essay. He visited him, and obtained permission to dissect a brain in his presence. He succeeded in convincing some of his hearers of the truth of the results of his researches. A second day was named. The room was crowded, and the result, in a word, was, that the city from which the anathema had issued aga