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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8 (search)
e were reported to me but Grant claims eleven. Rosser rallied his command on the back road at Columbia Furnace opposite Edinburg, but a part of the enemy's cavalry swept along the pike to Mount Jackson and then retired on the approach of my infantry. On the 10th Rosser established his line of pickets across the Valley from Columbia Furnace to Edinburg, and on the 11th Lomax was sent to the Luray Valley and took position at Milford. This was the extent of General Early's information about thl Early's camp to report. The next day we moved to the foot of Rude's Hill, and the next day established our pickets at Edinburg. In our fight and race at Tom's Brook, I had bruised an ugly boil, which had now turned into a severe carbuncle, giviore. On the 22d of November, Torbert, with two divisions of the enemy's cavalry, hurriedly pushed back our pickets from Edinburg upon their reserve, but they were checked long enough to get the brigade ready to prepare for them, then entered the bro