Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 24, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Edinburg (Virginia, United States) or search for Edinburg (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ackson, and crossed the river. It was met by some infantry and one brigade of Rosser's cavalry and driven back, General Rosser pursued, driving the enemy beyond Edinburg in confusion, and compelled him to abandon his killed and wounded. R. E. Lee." Edinburg is on this side of Woodstock, about thirty-six miles from WiEdinburg is on this side of Woodstock, about thirty-six miles from Winchester. Mount Jackson is twelve miles from Edinburg, on the Shenandoah river. From Georgia. We are still without official advices from Georgia. Some intelligence, considered good, is said, to have been received at headquarters here on yesterday; but we are unable to form the remotest idea of what it is. It is tEdinburg, on the Shenandoah river. From Georgia. We are still without official advices from Georgia. Some intelligence, considered good, is said, to have been received at headquarters here on yesterday; but we are unable to form the remotest idea of what it is. It is the general opinion, and we have no doubt a correct one, in well-informed circles, that Sherman took possession of Milledgeville on yesterday. Whether he met with resistance, or was permitted to take quiet possession, we have no means of knowing. It will be seen from the extracts from Northern papers, published in another part of