Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 2, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) or search for Mount Vernon (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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igerent and warlike. I am, dear sir., Respectfully and truly yours, John Tyler. Governor Letcher. On motion of Mr. Taliaferro the report and accompanying documents were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Bills Reported.--A bill concerning the Court of Appeals and the Special Court of Appeals; a bill to incorporate the Amherst and Nelson Woolen, Cotton, Iron, and Leather Manufacturing Company; a bill to authorize the issue of preferred stock by the Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Accotinck Turnpike Company; a bill to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Farmville and Buckingham Plank-Road Company; a bill providing that railroad companies in which the Commonwealth is a stockholder shall use, in the construction, equipment, repair, and operation of their roads, materials,&c., produced and manufactured in this State; a bill to incorporate the Southern Manufacturing Company, (an arms company, to be located in Richmond;) a bill releasing the schooner Pau
Sale of the Springfield, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg Railroad. --The road-bed, right of way, and real estate of the Spring field, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg Railroad Company, from Springfield to Dela ware, including the tools, machinery, shops and rolling stock, were sold at Springfield, Pa., Wednesday. Frederick A. Lane, of New York, was the purchaser of the entire property, for the first morgage bondholders, at $100,000. Sale of the Springfield, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg Railroad. --The road-bed, right of way, and real estate of the Spring field, Mount Vernon and Pittsburg Railroad Company, from Springfield to Dela ware, including the tools, machinery, shops and rolling stock, were sold at Springfield, Pa., Wednesday. Frederick A. Lane, of New York, was the purchaser of the entire property, for the first morgage bondholders, at $100,000.