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enty-ninth regiment of Highlanders, New York State Militia, ordered on the special reconnaissance in the direction of Fall's Church, left camp at one o'clock A. M., Sept. 10, and proceeded to the place designated, through the various by-paths, withoen had been posted firing was heard in the direction of Lewinsville, and a body of cavalry came from the direction of Fall's Church, and when endeavoring to pass where we were posted our men were ordered to fire, which they did, causing the enemy toels of a secession cavalry picket, about fifty strong, which evacuated the village, and retreated in the direction of Fall's Church, without firing a shot upon the approach of our advance guard. After the arrival of our troops in Lewinsville, cavalseven hundred cavalry, two regiments of infantry, and four pieces of artillery, who were coming from the direction of Fall's Church. Little or no attention was paid to the enemy's advance, as the objects of the expedition had been accomplished, and
ite impenetrable from the blinding smoke. But a little labor saves this house for the time, although it does not seem likely long to escape. It is a shameful fact that, on Sunday afternoon, at least a score of houses in the neighborhood of Falls Church were wantonly destroyed by wandering mischief-doers from our camps. The whole air was red and black, by turns, with their flame and. smoke. Many residences of sound Union citizens were sacrificed with the rest. Through little by-lanes, the the object in setting fire to these buildings. Even under the very eyes and nose of authority, within twenty rods of the earthwork at Munson's Hill, the destruction was carried on, without any apparent objection. Our forces extend through Falls Church, beyond which no attempt to advance has been made. The old toll-gate keeper is still at his post, at the entrance of the village. He acknowledges that since Bull Run he has been a good secessionist, and that he now proposes to be a sound Uni
ness, standing where the enemy's bullets whistled all around them, and aiming their pieces in a calm and determined manner. It was with much reluctance they left the field. On our return, the enemy followed us at a respectful distance, firing upon our rear guard. Our men returned the fire, and the pursuit was abandoned. We returned on the Little River turnpike as far as Hughes' house, where we took the left-hand road leading to Mills' Cross Roads, and thence on the Fairfax road to Falls Church. When on this road, about a mile from Mills' cross roads, we were challenged by the advance guard of the Twentieth New York Volunteers, Colonel Pratt, who mistook us for rebel cavalry, as a lot of cavalry had been seen on the hill reconnoitring all day. The officers of the regiment showed a complete knowledge of their duty, and it would be well for the service if all our outposts would exercise the same vigilance. We met no further obstructions, and reached camp about five P. M., havi
ia press account. Langley's, Va., Dec. 21, 1861. The Pennsylvania reserve division, under the command of General McCall, occupies an extensive and rather pretty piece of country beyond Langley's church and tavern, the encampments stretching toward Lewinsville. It is the right wing of the great Potomac Division, and in the advance. The position it holds was the last point abandoned by the enemy, and was taken by Gen. McClellan immediately after the occupation of Munson's Hill and Falls Church. Northeastwardly from Centreville, and some miles from the Fairfax road, it is not directly menaced by the rebel forces at Manassas. Its position is an important one, however, for it secures the Chain Bridge, protects the Potomac, prevents a flanking movement from Leesburg, and, with Banks at Edwards' Ferry, and on guard from Seneca Falls to Harper's Ferry, saves Maryland from an invasion. The inside picket lines of our army are some distance from Langley's, and join those from the cen