Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Fall's Church (Virginia, United States) or search for Fall's Church (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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boys; I'm d — d if I don't give them a shot.' I rammed the piece, and McClellan aimed and fired. We all saw the shells fell short or burst in the air. The piece was elevated, and the last shot fired at Mason's hill, but we could not see the effect of it." Since I have been writing the above another man has arrived from Washington. He says McClellan has near 25,000 cavalry. The Federals are expecting an advance from us. They do not understand the evacuation of the line of hills by Falls Church. A day or two ago a party of our pickets was wounded by the enemy. Some scouts crept upon them, and succeeded in capturing two and wounding two others. One of them was shot through the arm, the other through the chest. The men were from Shepherdstown, I believe, and belonged to Stuart's Cavalry. Yesterday, for the first time, the mail was carried to Fairfax Station, and thence to Manassas, on the cars. The contract has been awarded, and hereafter letters mailed here before 5
roops under Brigadier General Porter also advanced and occupied Miner's hill, to the right of Falls Church, and commanding that village and Barrett's hill, which latter is now in possession of the rebnd fourteen privates, moved round the east side of the hill three-quarters of a mile north of Falls Church, where the rebel outposts have been stationed. They approached in the bush within a short diough to retire. He says that Col. Stuart's headquarters are between four and five miles from Falls Church, on the Fairfax road, to the right of Annandale. He states also that the rebels are not preson the roof of Upton's house, from which a good view is obtained of the enemy's outposts near Falls Church. A number of the rebel cavalry was observed on Seth Perkins's Hill, northwest of Falls ChurcFalls Church. Mount Olivet Church, situated on the road north of Ball's, has disappeared since our troops moved out. The boards were wanted for floors for the tents. An alarm but no fight. This afternoo