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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1843. (search)
endance, and my services are greatly needed. He again tried to rejoin his regiment at Manassas, and failing, was obliged to abandon all hope of field service. He wrote to his family:— The President of the United States promises me, through Senator Clark, a commission with full powers as chaplain in a hospital or stationary camp. The Surgeon-General gives the same assurance. But it is necessary that I should resign my present position before assuming the new. I go to the camp at Falmouth to-morrow morning, in order to resign. I do this with much regret. He was discharged from service, on resignation, December 10, 1862. On the very next day his death occurred, under those extraordinary circumstances which made it unique in the history of the war. At least I know of no other case in this war, or in any, in which a chaplain, the day after his discharge, —still wearing his uniform, and therefore the more exposed, —bearing his discharge on his person, and therefore not li<
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1846. (search)
n into camp. He was very gentle and quiet, and bore his suffering bravely. I will not distress you with these details. The scenes were terrible enough to us, and will long haunt my memory. . . . . I am well, though I have slept on the ground eight nights, my only covering a rubber blanket, in rain and wind and dew, and have lived a good part of the time on raw salt pork, hard bread, and tea. I am well, and strong, and in good spirits. Afterwards, while the Army of the Potomac was at Falmouth, Ripley was called home on recruiting service for the Second Massachusetts Cavalry. His intention of remaining with that regiment was not carried out, and in February, 1863, he returned to his regiment, which was then, or soon afterwards, placed in the Ninth Army Corps under General Burnside. In March this corps went into Kentucky. As they were moving westward, he wrote home a letter which was full of the pure inspirations that stirred him. He had been speaking of the beautiful mountain
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1852. (search)
n kind to our wounded, and got them in and around a barn with large haystacks. Surgeon Haven's last hasty note (from Falmouth, opposite Fredericksburg) bears date December 9th. At the close of it, he thus refers to the preparatory orders for theorps. He was now appointed Colonel of his old regiment, the Twentieth Massachusetts, and in May, 1863, reported at Falmouth, Virginia, on the north bank of the Rappahannock, as commander of the regiment. In June following, Lee led his army down tho Amesville, Jefferson, White Sulphur Springs, Fayetteville, Warrenton Junction; then straight here,—to wit, a mile from Falmouth, and near Fredericksburg. We have zigzagged over the country (particularly in our marches near the Blue Ridge) beyond a even the follies of youth never seemed to touch. On Sunday evening, December 14th, a telegram was received from Falmouth, Virginia, without date, saying that Major Willard died this afternoon, at half past 1; and soon after, in the same evening,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1856. (search)
that paper. Give yourself no uneasiness, however, in regard to the wound I received. It would have felled a bullock; but the effect was temporary. I stayed with the regiment all the time, and the next day was all right, though my head was a little sore. As regards the remark of the correspondent, that such sergeants should be commissioned, that will come right, if I live, unless something happens not now thought of. After the battle of Fredericksburg followed the winter-quarters at Falmouth. The following illustrates his esprit de corps. Writing January 13, 1863, he says:— I am looking forward with somewhat gloomy anticipations to another battle. I do not fear it. Anybody who was ever with me in battle knows that I am not a man to run; but what I fear is this: the three regiments of our brigade, who always do about all the fighting of the brigade, are almost dismayed. We have six regiments, yet the Twentieth Massachusetts, the Seventh Michigan, and our regiment know a
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
ation. This occurred in the third assault upon the enemy's works, in the afternoon of December 13th. For nearly a week he lingered, fighting, struggling for existence as only a strong man can. Amid intense pain, his brother, who arrived at Falmouth just before the battle, could hear him softly repeating, Perfect through suffering,—perfect through suffering. He held and watched wistfully the pictured faces of those dear ones he was to see no more on earth; and in an interval of comparativgiment was issued to Weston by Governor Andrew on March 4, 1863, and in the latter part of that month he sailed from Newbern for Boston. After a preparation of some ten days he set out for his command in Virginia, and joined it in its camp near Falmouth on the 18th of April. The history of Lieutenant Weston, from May to November of 1863, is identified with that of the Eighteenth Massachusetts, in all whose marches and battles during that time he shared, never failing to do his work well. Bo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1862. (search)
in an ambulance; but he resumed the march the next morning; and never, during the long campaign that followed, was he absent an hour from his company. At Newport News, Porter's corps embarked in transports for Aquia Creek; thence it marched to Falmouth; then followed the famous march from that place to join Pope's army, the disastrous campaign under that officer, the retreat upon Washington, the reassuming of the command of his old army by General McClellan, and the brilliant Maryland campaigndvocate of different courts-martial, and had the reputation of being the best judge-advocate in the division. This duty kept him so busily employed that he could rarely join the officers in the amusements of camp life; for to many the camp near Falmouth seemed nothing but a holiday muster. A horse-race, a ball, a dinner-party, or a soldiers' carouse came off every day. This was a deprivation to Temple. Still he found time to be a good correspondent. A few extracts from his letters will show
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1864. (search)
Soon after the battle of Antietam the Fifteenth Regiment moved with our army towards the Potomac, and forded the river near Harper's Ferry. The army remained in camp at or near Bolivar Heights till about the middle of November, when it moved to Falmouth, opposite to Fredericksburg, and there went into camp. In the first Fredericksburg battle Chapin's regiment was in the reserve. The Fifteenth Massachusetts at that time was in the Second Division, Second Corps; General Hancock commanding the come time during the winter or spring of 1863, Chapin became Orderly Sergeant of his company, of which his cousin, Samuel Fletcher (mentioned above) was then First Lieutenant. During the winter and following spring our army remained in camp near Falmouth, until the battle of Chancellorsville, in which the regiment was again in the reserve. The army remained in the camp opposite Fredericksburg until the enemy, in June, 1863, began their movement north into Maryland, when our forces left their ca
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1865. (search)
sparing neither himself nor his men. When Lieutenant Paine was officer of the guard, his influence was felt by the remotest sentinel on the outskirts of the town. His intelligence and discipline and indomitable resolution were so fully recognized by Colonel Macy, that he often spoke of promoting him. Besides Lieutenant Summerhays, who saw him as I have described, he was seen by Lieutenant Perkins during the action, his face, according to both, actually glowing with pleasure, as it used in Falmouth when he had the best of an argument. He used always to be asking me how an officer should bear himself in battle, when he should be behind and when before his men. I had always rather understated than overstated the amount of danger it was necessary to incur, because I had seen at Fredericksburg that he would be rather disposed to expose himself too much than otherwise. He certainly carried out to the letter the duty, as he used to describe it, of an officer charging at the head of his m