Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 26, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Falmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The fight near Falmouth [correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Caroline County, April 21st Thinking it will be interesting to some of your readers, I will give you the details of the handsome little engagement which took place on the morning of the 18th near Falmouth, just before the vandals took possession of the coFalmouth, just before the vandals took possession of the country north of the Rappahannock. On Thursday, the 17th, about two o'clock P. M., Capt. Swann, of the Caroline cavalry, with some forty of the Lancaster cavalry, was on picket above Yellow Chapel, about 10 miles from Fredericksburg, in Stafford, on the Fauquier road, when his videttes reported some Yankee cavalry were approaching.ia regiment soon turned the vandals back again.--We occupied our position some minutes, when they made an effort to surround us. We then fell back in the edge of Falmouth and prepared for them again but they didn't advance. It was then daybreak, and we marched back to the battle ground. I was one of ten who went to the groun
The late affair at Fredericksburg. We have seen a paper signed by all the officers of General Field's brigade, which states that the conduct of that officer, in the late evacuation of Falmouth and Fredericksburg, was in strict accordance with the rules of war and the general plan of operations, and that the censure which has been cast upon him is altogether unmerited. He is stated, on the contrary, to have acted with the coolness, judgment and decision of a tried soldier — to have done nothing which he ought not to have done, and to have neglected nothing which he ought to have done. A different line of conduct in the opinion of the officers in question, would have richly entitled him to a court-martial. It is very hard, we are aware, for men to lose everything and not to find fault with somebody. Yet this paper seems to us decisive of the question. Surely, the best judges of an officer's conduct are those who share the danger with him.