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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 25, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lawrenceville (Virginia, United States) or search for Lawrenceville (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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by Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Locust Grove, Verdiersville and Unionville to Orange Courthouse twice a week; Farmville to Buckingham Courthouse twice a week; Mattoax to Winterpock twice a week; Genilo to Cumberland Courthouse twice a week; Lawrenceville to Lawrenceville once a week; Farmville to Pemberton twice a week; Jerusalem to Petersburg twice a week; York-town to Mathews Courthouse once a week; Red House to Red House once a week; Pamplin's Depot to Rolling Hill once a week; FredericksbLawrenceville once a week; Farmville to Pemberton twice a week; Jerusalem to Petersburg twice a week; York-town to Mathews Courthouse once a week; Red House to Red House once a week; Pamplin's Depot to Rolling Hill once a week; Fredericksburg to Falmouth daily." Insult to an American Minister. The State Department has advices from our Minister at Chili that the war between Spain and Chili is still kept up. The commander of the Spanish fleet had offered a gross insult to Mr. Nelson, our Minister, for which an apology will be demanded. Mr. Campbell accepts. Lewis D. Campbell accepts the mission to Mexico. Instructions for him are being prepared at the State Department. A present to General Grant. Genera