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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 15, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) or search for Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) in all documents.
Your search returned 7 results in 2 document sections:
English opinion of the fighting in Spotsylvania.
When Alexander the Great was overrunning the East, it is recorded of him that at each successive victory he would say, "What will they think of this in Athens?" In that stage of the world's existence, while Athens, though enslaved, was still the Capital of civilization, and had it in her power to bestow or withhold reputation, we can understand the keen anxiety of the conqueror, who was desirous above all things to be regarded as a genuine G ish people love us dearly.
What if they do?
They will do nothing for us, and this is no time for empty professions.
We published yesterday a series of extracts from English papers of every shade of politics with regard to the battles in Spotsylvania.
The sameness of the whole batch is so striking that any person might be excused for thinking they were all written by the same person.
The reason of the strange likeness is evidently that they all derive their information from the same sour