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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 19 (search)
ia, and, perhaps, a sufficient number of the States to form a new constitution, will meet in convention and form a new government. Gen. Stark, of Mississippi, who fell at Sharpsburg, was an acquaintance of mine. His daughters were educated with mine at St. Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J.-and were, indeed, under my care. Orphans now! September 27 The papers this morning contain accounts of the landing of Yankees at White House, York River; and of reinforcements at Williamsburg and Suffolk. They might attempt to take Richmond, while Lee's army is away; for they know we have no large body of troops here. A battery passed through the city this morning early, at doublequick, going eastward. Yesterday Congress passed an act, supplemental and amenda tory to the Conscription Act of last April, authorizing the President to call into the military service all residents between the ages of thirty-five and forty-five. The first act included only those between the ages of eight
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 22 (search)
, and knives. Preparations are being made here for the reception of the wounded. The request was to provide for a large number. Last night, at nine o'clock, a number of regiments which had been encamped among the fortifications northwest of the city, were marched down to Drewry's Bluff. It is probable Gen. Smith has heard of the enemy's approach from that quarter. I hope he may prove the right man in the right place. It is rumored that we were repulsed yesterday, this side of Suffolk. At this critical moment the President is away. A dispatch from Gen. Lee says Gen. Wade Hampton dashed into Dumfries, the other side of the Rappahannock, and in the rear of the enemy, capturing some wagons, and taking a few men. This seems most extraordinary. If he be not taken himself, the diversion must have a good effect; but if he be taken, it will be considered a wild and desperate sally, boding no good to the cause. But Lee knows what he is about. From the dispositions o
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXII. January, 1863 (search)
been for the bravery and heroism of the people — the privates in our armies. There is a rumor this morning that the enemy are advancing toward Petersburg from Suffolk. If this be so, some spy, under the protection of martial law, has informed the Yankees of our defenseless condition at that place, being alarmed at the success The President arrived yesterday, and his patriotic and cheering speech at Jackson, Miss., appeared in all the papers this morning. We hear of no fighting at Suffolk. But we have dispatches from North Carolina, stating that a storm assailed the enemy's fleet off Hatteras, sinking the Monitor with all on board, and so cripplin take care of the land — and I ask it, knowing the request will never be known by them until the war is over. January 8 Gen. French writes that the enemy at Suffolk and Newbern amounted to 45,000; and this force now threatens Weldon and Wilmington, and we have not more than 14,000 to oppose them. With generalship that should
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIII. February, 1863 (search)
might, with France and England-but of inclination. Whenever they, or either of them, shall be disposed to relieve us, it can be done. There was a fight near Suffolk yesterday, and it is reported that our troops repulsed the enemy. The enemy's gun-boats returned to the bombardment of Fort McAlister, and met no success. Th city, on the Chickahominy. Gen. Lee warns the government to see that Gens. French and Pryor be vigilant, and to have their scouts closely watching the enemy at Suffolk. He thinks, however, the main object of the enemy is to take Charleston ; and he suggests that every available man be sent thither. The rest of his army he wille conscription service. February 21 Major-Gen. Hood's division passed through the city to-day, and crossed over the river. I hope an attack will be made at Suffolk. It is too menacing a position to allow the invader to occupy it longer. No attack on Charleston yet, and there is a rumor that the command of the expedition
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, Xxiv. March, 1863 (search)
it a duty to make this record. To-day we have a violent snow-storm — a providential armistice. It has been ascertained that Hooker's army is still near the Rappahannock, only some 20,000 or 30,000 having been sent to the Peninsula and to Suffolk. No doubt he will advance as soon as the roads become practicable. If Hooker has 150,000 men, and advances soon, Gen. Lee cannot oppose his march; and in all probability we shall again hear the din of war, from this city, in April and May. Thee lower house of Congress has passed a most enormous tax bill, which I apprehend cannot be enforced, if it becomes a law. It will close half the shops-but that may be beneficial, as thousands have rushed info trade and become extortioners. I see some batteries of light artillery going toward Petersburg. This is to be used against the enemy when he advances in that direction from Suffolk. No doubt another attempt will be made to capture Richmond. But Lee knows the programme, I doubt not
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXV. April, 1863 (search)
ntry. only 700 conscripts per month from Virginia. Longstreet at Suffolk. the President's well eye said to be failing. a reconnoissance! e water line. No wonder it sunk! Gen. Longstreet has invested Suffolk, this side of Norfolk, after destroying one gun-boat and cripplingemond River. Unless the enemy get reinforcements, the garrison at Suffolk may be forced to surrender. Perhaps our general may storm their w is likely to take Washington and Newbern, N. C.; Gen. Longstreet, Suffolk; and Gen. Wise, Fort Magruder, and the Peninsula-he has not troopslonger. April 18 We have nothing more from the Peninsula, Suffolk, N. C., or South Carolina; but it is rumored that the enemy's gun-boat he wrote it Simmons! April 20 We have nothing definite from Suffolk, or from Washington, N. C. But we have Northern accounts of thplies. He says Lt.-Gen. Longstreet's corps might now be sent from Suffolk to him. Something of magnitude is on the tapis, whether offensive
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 27 (search)
, writes that there are only a few battalions of the enemy on the Peninsula; but that rations for 40,000 men are sent to Suffolk. Gen. Lee announces the crossing of the Rappahannock at Port Royal (which the Yankees pillaged) and at places above even to Washington. But, then, how would it be with Richmond, if Hooker should accept the position, and if the force at Suffolk should advance on the south side of the river, and gun-boats and transports were to come, simultaneously, up the York anmore than a third of the army was engaged; and as 30,000 reinforcements have been sent from Washington, and as many from Suffolk, the army will soon be as strong as ever, and in condition for another advanceand defeat. But what credit can we attn, we will retaliate on the prisoners in our possession. Gen. Longstreet censured Gen. French for his conduct before Suffolk, and the Secretary of War proposed that French be relieved, and sent before a court of inquiry. The President vetoed th
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
l soon hear something from the Northern papers. They are already beginning to magnify the ravages of our army on their soil: but our men are incapable of retaliating, to the full extent, such atrocities as the following, on the Blackwater, near Suffolk, which I find in the Petersburg Express: Mr. Smith resided about one mile from the town, a well-to-do farmer, having around him an interesting family, the eldest one a gallant young man in the 16th Virginia Regiment. When Gen. Longstreet invested Suffolk a sharp artillery and infantry skirmish took place near Mr. Smith's residence, and many balls passed through his house. The Yankees finally advanced and fired the houses, forcing the family to leave. Mrs. Smith, with her seven children, the youngest only ten months old, attempted to escape to the woods and into the Confederate lines, when she was fired upon by the Yankee soldiers, and a Minie-ball entering her limb just below the hip, she died in thirty minutes from the loss
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 38 (search)
do no good. The people must eat, whether they get meal from Crenshaw or not. If not, they will get it elsewhere, and what they do get will be so much diverted from the commissariat. There are rumors of the enemy accumulating a heavy force at Suffolk. The guard at Camp Lee are going in the morning to Lee's army; their places here to be filled by the reserve forces of boys and old men. This indicates a battle on the Rapidan. April 16 Rained all night% and in fitful showers all day. beans, etc. The other vegetables are growing well. One of my fig-bushes was. killed — that is, nearly all the branches. The roots live. It is rumored that the armies on the Rapidan were drawn up in line. The enemy have again evacuated Suffolk. Gen. Beauregard is at Weldon. Perhaps Burnside may hurl his blows against North Carolina. Food is still advancing in price; and unless relief comes from some quarter soon, this city will be in a deplorable condition. A good many fish,