Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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ered to Commander Parrott, of the United States steamer Augusta. At four o'clock in the morning, Robert Small, pilot of the Planter, got up steam, cast off his moorings, took on board, besides his regular crew, five women and three children, hoisted the rebel and Palmetto flags, steamed down the bay, saluted the forts as he passed them, pulled down the flags when he got past the last fort, hoisted instead a white flag, and steamed boldly out to the blockading vessel.--(Doc. 36.) Suffolk, in Virginia, was occupied by Major Dodge with a portion of General Wool's command.--General Wool's Despatch. Eight hundred and eighty-five prisoners, released from Richmond on parole, left Old Point. Ninety rebel prisoners, who were to be returned to Richmond, positively refused to go, and took the oath of allegiance.--N. Y. Tribune, May 14. A reconnoitring party, under Brigadier-General Smith, had a skirmish with the rebel pickets, near Monterey, Tenn., which resulted in killing two, w
e Ninth Illinois cavalry, she dropped alongside the wharf-boat and destroyed all the cotton and molasses to be found.--Jacksonport Cavalier Extra, June 7. An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Columbia, Tennessee, at which speeches were delivered by Niell Brown and Andrew Johnson, with great applause.--The First regiment of Fire Zouaves, N. Y.S. V., were mustered out of service at Governor's Island.--General John A. Dix assumed command of Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Va.--General Banks recrossed the Potomac and occupied Bunker Hill, Virginia. Mass meetings were held at Memphis, Tenn., yesterday and to-day. Addresses were made by Jeff. Thompson and others. Resolutions were adopted never to surrender voluntarily. Though Memphis had already seventy-two companies in the field, every man capable of bearing arms was called upon to repair forthwith to Fort Pillow. A committee was appointed to collect men, money, and arms.--Memphis Argus, June 2. Tw
September 4. On Monday last, September first, a detachment of Dodge's New York Mounted Rifles were despatched from Suffolk Va., upon a scout, under the command of Major Wheelen. The party proceeded nearly thirty-five miles, and when about twelve miles west of South-Mills they came across a company of rebels, on their way toward Richmond. Major Wheelen made such a disposition of his force that he succeeded in capturing the whole command, consisting of two commissioned officers and one hundred and eleven privates. The rebel company had gathered along the route thirty-eight negroes, who were tied, and destined for Richmond. This morning the prisoners were marched into Suffolk, and placed under a guard from the Third regiment New York volunteers. They were conscripts, intended to fill up old regiments. The rebels burned three bridges over Benson Creek, on the Louisville and Frankfort Railroad, about sixty miles east of Louisville, Ky. A War meeting was held at the
September 28. The rebel steamer Sunbeam was captured off New Inlet by the United States gunboats State of Georgia and Mystic, while attempting to run the blockade at Wilmington, N. C. She had a cargo of gunpowder and brandy, valued at a quarter of a million dollars. Three companies of Union cavalry and a battery of two brass howitzers, under the command of Colonel Charles C. Dodge, made a reconnoissance from Suffolk, Va., to a point on the Blackwater River, twenty-five miles distant, putting a body of rebel infantry to flight after a sharp engagement.
d Whitehead, under the command of Capt. Flusser, and a force of rebel troops nearly nine thousand strong, resulting, after an engagement of six hours duration, in the killing and wounding of a large number of the rebels, when the gunboats retired with a loss of nineteen killed and wounded. The ships Brilliant and Emily Farnham were this day captured by the rebel steamer Alabama, in lat. 40°, Ion. 50° 30′, the crews taken off, the ships plundered of their provisions and valuables, and burned. A reconnoitring expedition, consisting of three regiments of infantry, a regiment of cavalry, and a battery of artillery, under the command of Acting Brig.-Gen. Spear, left Suffolk, Va., and proceeded to the Blackwater River opposite Franklin, where the rebels were discovered in considerable force. An artillery fight ensued, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with a loss of about thirty killed and sixty wounded. The Nationals then returned to camp.--National Intelligencer, Octobe
nger attacked and dispersed them, killing several and taking two prisoners. A fight took place near Grand Prairie, Missouri, between a small force of Union troops, under the command of Major Frank J. White, and a body of rebel guerrillas, resulting in a complete rout of the latter, with a loss of eight killed and twenty wounded. The Union party had only two or three of their number wounded. A reconnoissance in force, under the command of Brigadier-General Ferry, was made from Suffolk, Virginia, to the Blackwater. At a place near the river, known as the Common Road Crossing, a small party of rebels were encountered, when a skirmish ensued, terminating in a retreat of the rebels, with a loss of six of their number. The Unionists had one man killed, Lieutenant Wheelan, of the New York Mounted Rifles.--(Doc. 15.) A skirmish took place at Morgantown, Kentucky, between a detachment of Union troops, and a force of Morgan's rebel guerrillas, resulting in a retreat of the latt
rs of that State, calling upon them voluntarily to send to General Mercer one fifth of their negroes, in order to complete the for-tifications around Savannah. If they were not sent in, General Mercer was authorized to impress whatever number he required for that purpose.--(Doc. 22.) The rebel schooner Adventurer, laden with salt, leather, etc., was captured by the United States steamer Kensington, in the vicinity of Mermanteau Pass, La.--Major-General Peck, from his headquarters at Suffolk, Va., issued a general order denouncing pillage, and calling upon his forces to cooperate with him in bringing the guilty to a speedy trial.--The Richmond Whig of this date opposes the rebel conscription law as unpopular, if not odious, among a large class of the people. A National force composed of the First Mounted Riflemen, N. Y. S. V., Follett's battery, the Eleventh cavalry of Pennsylvania volunteers, and General Wessell's brigade, visited Franklin, Va., to-day, and succeeded in driv
d and fifty paroled Union prisoners, captured by the rebel guerrilla chiet, John H. Morgan, arrived at Nashville, Tenn., this day. A reconnoissance was this day made by a strong force of Union troops, under the command of General Ferry, to the Blackwater River, Va. The rebels were discovered, in great strength, all along the river in the vicinity of Zuni. After an artillery fight of three or four hours, in which the rebels were driven back, the National force returned to their camp at Suffolk.--(Doc. 71.) This afternoon the gunboat Essex, accompanied by the transport Winona, while making a reconnoissance of the fortifications at Port Hudson, was fired upon by a party of rebel artillerists, under the command of Captain Boone, and compelled to retire.--About day-break this morning, a large body of General Stuart's rebel cavalry entered Dumfries, Va., and captured thirty-five National pickets and sutlers. After destroying the telegraph and several Government wagons, they retr
December 28. The trestle-work at Muldraugh's Hill, Ky., guarded by the Seventy-first Indiana regiment, was captured, after a fight of ten hours, by a superior force of rebels, under John II. Morgan, and destroyed.--New Madrid, Mo.. was evacuated by the National forces, after destroying the barracks and magazine.--Louisville Journal. A skirmish occurred to-day in the vicinity of Suffolk, Va., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops, under the command of Acting Brigadier-General Gibbs, and a force of rebel cavalry, in which the latter were routed and driven for six or eight miles. The Nationals captured a number of horses and fire-arms, the latter of which the rebels threw away in their flight.--Baltimore American. Van Buren, Ark., was entered and captured by a force of Union troops, under the command of General J. G. Blunt, together with the rebel garrison, a large amount of ammunition, four steamboats laden with army supplies, and a ferry-boat.--(Doc. 90.) M
January 20. John A. Andrew, Governor of Massachusetts, was authorized by the National War Department, until further orders, to raise such numbers of volunteer companies of artillery for duty in the forts of Massachusetts and elsewhere, and such corps of infantry for the volunteer military service as he may find convenient, and may include persons of African descent, organized into separate corps. --War Department Order. The rebel steamer Oreto arrived off Havana, Cuba, and was allowed to enter and proceed up the harbor to an anchorage.--Major-General Peck, in orders from his headquarters at Suffolk, Va., expressed his satisfaction at the soldierly qualities exhibited by Colonel Alfred Gibbs, of the One Hundred and Thirtieth N. Y. S. V., and his confidence in his disposition and ability to discharge whatever duties might fall to him, with credit to himself and the National service.