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The Daily Dispatch: May 24, 1864., [Electronic resource], Army of Northern Virginia, near Hanover Junction, May 22, 1864 (search)
he men become that whenever the halt for rest was called, which is done once in every hour, for ten minutes, on a march, they would fall down and sleep as soon as the rest was proclaimed. The rest, however, over, and "Attention" called, they would spring up and trudge along, as if quite refreshed by their short naps. Of course there was some straggling, from the forced character of our marches, but not a great many. Rumors say Grant has cut loose from Fredericksburg, and will make Tappahannock and Port Royal his depots for supplies. I cannot think that we are in immediate danger of a collision, for the reason that Grant's men must be considerably exhausted and he himself will require a few days at least to recruit and get his men in fighting plight. I will make no speculations as to the future, or what Grant will do. My own opinion, however, is, that he is a desperately bold man, and will give the Army of Northern Virginia full work during the coming campaign.--That our f
rward a portion of his forces, entered the enemy's breastworks, and found them held by a line of skirmishers, Grant's whole army being rapidly in motion on our right flank. This necessitated counter movements on our side and the abandonment of the battle ground in front of Spotsylvania Court House. Grant seems to be manœuvering for a position nearer Richmond. The enemy are reported to have cut loose from Fredericksburg as a base, and to have established depots at Port Royal and Tappahannock. There was some little artillery firing near Chesterfield to-day, but the cause is unexplained. [Second Dispatch.] Hanover Junction, May 23. --The latest information represents the bulk of Grant's army near Milford Depot and Bowling Green, with pickets some five or six miles this side. The impression here is that there is no chance of an immediate collision. Grant will probably require some time in order to get ready to move upon us. All quiet at 12 M. to-day.