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ickett, with three brigades of his division. The cavalry, under General Stuart, was thrown out in front of Longstreet to watch the enemy, now reported to be moving into Loudon. On the seventeenth his cavalry encountered two brigades of ours, under General Stuart, near Aldie, and was driven back with loss. The next day the engagement was renewed, the Federal cavalry being strongly supported by infantry, and General Stuart was in turn compelled to retire. The enemy advanced as far as Upperville, and then fell back. In these engagements General Stuart took about four hundred prisoners and a considerable number of horses and arms. In the mean time, a part of General Ewell's corps had entered Maryland, and the rest was about to follow. General Jenkins with his cavalry, who accompanied General Ewell, penetrated Pennsylvania as far as Chambersburgh. As these demonstrations did not have the effect of causing the Federal army to leave Virginia, and as it did not seem disposed to a
against Lee, June and July, 1863. Falling Waters, Maryland, Wednesday, July 15, 1863. in addition to the battles of Beverly Ford, Aldie, Middleburgh and Upperville, now matters of history, I have to record fifteen more engagements of our cavalry with the enemy, in thirteen of which cavalry was exclusively used, with flyingld be led against that mob, they would never dare look a soldier in the face again. On the twenty-fifth of June, after the battles of Aldie, Middleburgh, and Upperville, the cavalry moved forward to Leesburgh, thence across the Potomac at Edwards's Ferry to Poolesville, passing through Seneca Mills, Middlebrook, Doub's Station,his fight that the Adjutant of the Fifth New-York, Lieutenant Gaul, lost his life while gallantly leading his men. As the cavalry by the battles at Aldie and Upperville, prevented the rebel Stuart from marching his column through Maryland and Pennsylvania by the way of Edwards's Ferry and Boonsboro, so did the whipping of him a
t all hazards, hoping that after effecting communication with the brigade, which I supposed to be at Aldie, I should receive reinforcements. Captain Allen was selected to carry a despatch to General Kilpatrick, and directed to avoid as much as possible all main roads. The town was held by my command from half-past 4 to seven o'clock P. M., during which time the skirmishers had been constantly engaged. At seven, I learned that the enemy was approaching in force from Union, Aldie, and Upperville. Determined to hold the place, if possible, I dismounted one half of the regiment, placing them behind stone walls and the barricades. The enemy surrounded the town and stormed the barricades, but were gallantly repulsed by my men with great slaughter. They did not desist, but, confident of success, again advanced to the attack, and made three successive charges. I was compelled to retire on the road by which I came, that being the only one open to retreat, and with all that was left o
. headquarters cavalry corps, camp near Upperville, 5.30 P. M., June 21, 1863. Brigadier-Generanumber of wounded rebels left in the town of Upperville. They left their dead and wounded upon theneral. E. A. Paul's narrative. Upperville, Va., Sunday, June 21--5 P. M. This has beeneers, enfilading the bridge. Arriving at Upperville, two squadrons of the First Maine were orderflinchingly. From Rector's Cross-Roads to Upperville was almost a rout. The enemy turned at bay near Upperville. The Fourth New-York charged, with General Kilpatrick at their head, and, breaking, most dashing of all being the onset west of Upperville. Colonel Gregg, commanding the loft, dischaant charges on the left; but on the right of Upperville, Gamble's brigade, comprising the Eighth andrebels; the wounded inmates of a hospital at Upperville. The latter were taken to Upperville after Upperville after the fight of the sixteenth at this place. None of our captured had been paroled. Our loss is not
Doc. 117.-Colonel Lakeman's report Of the operations of the Third Maine regiment. headquarters Third Maine regiment, in the field, Upperville, Va., July 21, 1863. Adjutant-General State of Maine: sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of the movements of my regiment, with its respective brigade and division of the Third army corps, since leaving Potomac Creek, Va.: On Thursday, June eleventh, my regiment was relieved from picket-duty on the Rappahannock River at twelve M., and at two P. M. took their position in line, and with the brigade marched to Rappahannock Station, from thence to Bealton Station, Catlet's Station, Manassas, Bull Run, Centreville, Gum Springs, and from thence to Monocacy, Md., where we arrived on the night of the twenty-fifth, performing a forced and very tedious march of twenty-seven miles that day, the rain having fallen heavily during the entire afternoon and evening. At Gum Springs, Va., four of my officers were captured by gue
e not brought into play during the fight; so we fought with two pieces of artillery, and these not as effective as they should have been, on account of bad ammunition; two of the shells which should have gone over our heads into the enemy's line, striking the ground between our reserve and the dismounted men. The rebels had eight guns in position firing at one time, and far better served than usual for them, in the cavalry fights I have noticed, whether Kelly's Ford, Aldie, Middleburgh, or Upperville. At times their firing was terrific to be concentrated on so small a line as ours; their shot, shell, grape, and canister coming all around and among us, lopping the branches from the trees, and splintering huge fragments from the rocks they came in contact with. Nothing but the uneven character of the ground preserved our little brigade from annihilation. The Sixteenth took up the fighting for the Maine, which retired; but seeing us pushed at one time, they came out gallantly, withou