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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--full report of General J. E. B. Stuart. (search)
etiring apace with the main body, to effect a junction with it at Upperville, where I proposed to make a more determined stand than was compatmy (moving parallel to this), and were gradually retiring towards Upperville; before reaching which point, however, the enemy had pressed closely up so as to render an attempt to effect a junction at Upperville hazardous to those brigades, and also made it necessary for Hampton's and Roberston's brigades to move at once to the west side of Upperville, on account of the number of roads concentrating at that point so as to fnce, I withdrew the command leisurely to the mountain gap west of Upperville. The enemy attacked Brigadier-General Robertson, bringing up tThe enemy did not attack the gap, but appeared to go into camp at Upperville. In the conflicts on the left, the enemy was roughly handled. L B — Report of Brigadier-General W. E. Jones of engagement near Upperville, June 21st, 1863. C — Report of Brigadier-General William E. J