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the Mattapony and Pamunkey rivers, embarrassed as I was with some four hundred wounded, five hundred prisoners, and about two thousand negroes that had joined my column in the hope of obtaining their freedom. I therefore determined to push down the north bank of the Mattapony far enough to enable me to send these impediments directly to West Point, where I anticipated finding some of our gunboats and transports, that could carry all to the North. Following this plan, we proceeded through Walkerton to King and Queen Court House, and bivouacked in its vicinity the night of the 18th. Next day I learned that the depot at the White House had not yet been broken up entirely, and that supplies were in store for me there; so after sending the wounded, prisoners, and negroes to West Point under an escort of two regiments, I turned back to Dunkirk, on the Mattapony, and crossed to the south side at a place where the stream was narrow enough to bridge with my pontoon-boats. In returning f
d navy forces up the Mattapony River, Va. The main object of this expedition was to destroy a foundery at a point on the Mattapony River, some ten miles above Walkerton, where it was said ordnance matter was manufactured for the enemy. With this object in view, four hundred infantry, on the morning of June fourth, arrived at ted States steamer Commodore Jones, Lieutenant Commanding Mitchell; the army gunboat Smith Briggs, and the transport Winnissimmet. The expedition proceeded to Walkerton, about twenty miles above West-Point, on the Mattapony River, where it arrived at two A. M. of the fifth. Here the troops were landed and marched to Aylett's, w the York River, passing West-Point at forty-five minutes past ten, without noticing any thing that would indicate the presence of the enemy. . . . We arrived at Walkerton at two A. M. The troops were landed with all expedition, and reached their destination (Aylett's) at eight A. M. At that place they found the information they ha
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Kilpatrick's and Dahlgren's raid to Richmond. (search)
Mitchell found himself in charge of the main portion, about three hundred strong, Dahlgren having moved with the remainder in a direction unknown to him. By-great exertions and with sharp skirmishing, Captain Mitchell broke his way through the enemy, and joined Kilpatrick the next day, the 2d, at Tunstall's Station, near White House. Meanwhile Dahlgren had crossed the Pamunkey at Hanovertown and the Mattapony at Aylett's; but late on Wednesday night, March 2d, he fell into an ambush near Walkerton, formed by Captain Fox with home guards of King and Queen County, furloughed men, and Magruder's squadron, and by Lieutenant Pollard with a company of the 9th Virginia. Dahlgren, at the head of his men, fell dead, pierced with a bullet. The greater part of his command was captured. On the second morning after Colonel Dahlgren's death, Lieutenant Pollard carried to General Fitzhugh Lee, in Richmond, some papers which he said had been taken from Dahlgren's body, together with the artifi
him to you mounted on my own private horse. You will have to furnish him a horse. Question him five minutes and you will find him the man you want. Respectfully and truly yours, John C. Babcock. On the margin of the letter is written: He crossed the Rapidan last night and has late information. Another account. The column of Yankees under Dahlgren took on their route two prisoners, Captain Demont and Mr. Mountcastle, who accompanied the force from Goochland to the debut at Walkerton. From these gentlemen and other sources of information we gather some interesting accounts of Dahlgren's excursion. Dahlgren came down the Westham plank-road, with eight hundred or a thousand men. The Armory battalion was on the enemy's flank, and appears to have been completely surprised. But when the enemy came in contact with Henley's battalion the cavalry broke at the first fire. The first volley of musketry seems to have done all the disaster that occurred. There were eleven Ya
remained until the tenth instant; when, in obedience to an order from General Lee, I moved with my command in the direction of Norman's Ferry, with a view of intercepting a party of the enemy's cavalry, reported to be crossing the Mattapony at Walkerton. Learning, however, that night, from Dr. Walker, who had conveyed to General Lee the intelligence of this supposed move of the enemy, that he had retired in the direction of, and most probably to, Gloucester Point, I returned, on the next day,r to the enemy runaway slaves, and also arrested and brought up two conscripts. Having done all that I could at the time, I took up the line of march on my return on the twenty-sixth of July. Marching by easy stages, and lying over one day at Walkerton, in King and Queen County, for the purpose of resting the horses, I arrived and reported to you on the thirtieth of July. It only remains for me to add that the hospitality of the citizens all along the road was unprecedented. There are in
ommunications and supplies. A joint expedition, under Dahlgren, met defeat, and Kilpatrick, not hearing from it, turned back. Troopers of the first Massachusetts just after their attempt to raid Richmond in 1864 A group of officers, first Massachusetts cavalry Confederate property, but through the alleged treachery of a guide, the raiders were led out of their course. A portion of the command became separated; Dahlgren, with about one hundred and fifty troopers, was ambushed near Walkerton, and the leader killed and most of his force captured. The remainder of Dahlgren's command, under Captain Mitchell, managed to rejoin Kilpatrick, who had meanwhile threatened Richmond from the north, and who, finding the city prepared for his attack, finally withdrew across the Chickahominy and joined General Butler on the Peninsula, March 3, 1864. The Kilpatrick raid failed in its main object, but that it might easily have succeeded seems evident from Confederate correspondence, which
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Battles, Virginia, 1863 (search)
on Lawyer's Road, near Fairfax Court HouseNEW YORK--11th Cavalry (Cos. "B" and "C"). June 4: Skirmish, Frying PanNEW YORK--5th Cavalry (Detachment). Union loss, 3 killed, 7 wounded, 7 missing. Total, 17. June 4-5: Expedition from Yorktown to Walkerton and Aylett'sDELAWARE--4th Infantry (Detachment). NEW YORK--168th Infantry (Detachment). PENNSYLVANIA--169th and 174th Infantry (Detachments). U. S. Gunboats. June 5: Skirmish, WalkertonNEW YORK--168th Infantry (Detachment). June 5-7: ReconnoiWalkertonNEW YORK--168th Infantry (Detachment). June 5-7: Reconnoissance through Gates Co., N. C and down Chowan RiverPENNSYLVANIA--11th Cavalry (5 Cos.). June 5-13: Skirmishes at Franklin's Crossing, or Deep Run, Rappahannock RiverMAINE--7th Infantry. MASSACHUSETTS--1st Battery Light Arty. NEW JERSEY--26th Infantry. NEW YORK--1st and 3d Indpt. Batteries Light Arty.; 15th and 50th Engineers; 33d (Detachment), 43d, 49th and 77th Infantry. RHODE ISLAND--Batteries "C" and "G," 1st Light Arty. VERMONT--2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th Infantry. UNITED STATES--Batteries
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Delaware Volunteers. (search)
Potomac, to August, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corps, to June, 1865. Service. Duty in the Defenses of Baltimore, Md., till December, 1862. Ordered to Yorktown, Va., arriving there December 28, and duty there till July, 1863. Expedition from Gloucester Point to Gloucester Court House April 7, 1863. Reconnoissance from Gloucester Point to Hickory Fork April 12. Expedition from Gloucester Point into Matthews County May 19-22. Expedition from Yorktown to Walkerton and Aylett's June 4-5. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to South Anna River July 1-7. Baltimore Store July 2. Moved to Washington, D. C., July 8-14, and duty in the defenses of that city and at Centreville and Fairfax Station till October, 1863. Guard Orange & Alexandria R. R. till November 16. Ordered to Delaware November 16. Duty in the District of Alexandria, Va., till May, 1864. Ordered to join Army of the Potomac in the fiel
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
Suffolk, May 3. Operations on Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad May 15-28. Near Providence Church May 17. Antioch Church and Paker's Cross Roads May 23. Walkerton June 5. Blackwater June 16. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to South Anna River July 1-7. South Anna Bridge July8. Siege of Suffolk April 20-May 4. Edenton Road April 24. Siege of Suffolk raised May 4. Expedition into Matthews County May 19-22. Expedition to Walkerton and Aylett's June 4-5. Walkerton June 5. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to South Anna River July 1-7. South AnnWalkerton June 5. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to South Anna River July 1-7. South Anna Bridge July 4. Ordered to Dept. of the South, arriving at Folly Island, S. C., July 12. Siege of Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C., and operations against Fort Sumpter and Charleston August 12-September 7. Bombardment of Fort Sumpter and Charleston August 17-23. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Pennsylvania Volunteers. (search)
ecember 8. Attached to Busteed's Independent Brigade, Yorktown, Va., 4th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to April, 1863. King's Independent Brigade, 4th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to June, 1863. 1st Division, 4th Corps, Dept. of Virginia, to July, 1863. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 11th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, to muster out. Service. Duty at Yorktown and Gloucester Point, Va., till June, 1863. Expedition to Gloucester Court House April 7. Expedition from Yorktown to Walkerton and Aylett's June 4-5. Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 27-July 7. Ordered to Washington, D. C., July 9; thence march to Funkstown, Md. Joined Army of the Potomac at Hagerstown, Md., July 14. Pursuit of Lee to Williamsport, Md. Moved to Harrisburg, Pa., via Baltimore and Philadelphia. Mustered out July 27, 1863. Regiment lost during service 11 by disease. 170th Pennsylvania Regiment Volunteers. (Failed to complete organization.) 171st Pennsylvania Regiment Infantry.
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