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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 7 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 2 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 3 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 7. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 2 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
Capt. Calvin D. Cowles , 23d U. S. Infantry, Major George B. Davis , U. S. Army, Leslie J. Perry, Joseph W. Kirkley, The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War 2 2 Browse Search
Maj. Jed. Hotchkiss, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 3, Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: February 4, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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January 4. Huntersville, a depot for rebel supplies in the mountains, between Huttonsville and Warm Springs, Va., was attacked by the National troops, and all the supplies there were captured and destroyed. The National troops engaged were detachments of the Fifth Ohio, the Second Virginia, and Bradsin's Cavalry — some seven hundred and forty in all. The rebels had four hundred cavalry and three hundred and fifty infantry. Two miles from Huntersville, the National troops were met by the rebel cavalry, who were driven from point to point, and at last the whole rebel force beat a hasty retreat from the town as the Nationals charged through it.--(Doc. 4.) All the Kentucky banks, located where rebel domination prevails, were consolidated under Henry J. Lyons, formerly of Louisville, as President, who had authority to run them for the Southern Confederacy.--Louisville Journal, January 4. Judge Hemphill, ex-Senator in the Congress of the United States, and afterwards a me
November 26. At Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a meeting of the United States Christian Commission was held, in behalf of the National prisoners at Richmond. Bishop Potter of Pennsylvania presided, and addresses were made by Governor Brough, of Ohio, Major Boles, late from Libby Prison, G. H. Stuart, President of the Christian Commission, and others.--an engagement took place at Warm Springs, North-Carolina. It shows, says a rebel correspondent, that it was a very gallant affair on the part of our men. Lieutenant-Colonel Bryson, of the Twenty-fifth North-Carolina troops, with a detachment of eighty men, crossed the French Broad, and was joined that night by twenty militia, under Major Haywood. Proceeding on the march, and arriving at the enemy's outpost at daylight, he was found in line of battle, having already discovered the plan. Although numbering about four hundred, the Yankees were charged and driven from the field. They came up the second time with the same result. A t
they have been in during the war. Rebel official despatch. White Sulphur Springs, Aug. 27 Via Dublin, Aug. 28. To General S. Cooper: We met the enemy yesterday morning about a mile and a half from this place, on the road leading to the Warm Springs. We fought him from nine A. M. to seven P. M. Every attack made by the enemy was repulsed. At night each side occupied the same position they had in the morning. This morning the enemy made two other attacks, which were handsomely repulsed, when he abandoned his position and retreated toward Warm Springs, pursued by cavalry and artillery. The troops engaged were the First brigade of this army, Colonel Geo. S. Patten commanding. The enemy were about three thousand strong, with six pieces of artillery, under Brigadier-General Averill. Our loss is about two hundred killed and wounded. The enemy's loss is not known. We have taken about one hundred and fifty prisoners and a piece of artillery. Samuel Jones, Major-General.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Stonewall Jackson in the Shenandoah. (search)
d precipitately toward Franklin, to unite with Fremont. The route lay along a narrow valley hedged up by high mountains, perfectly protecting the flanks of the retreating army from Ashby's pursuing cavalry, led by Captain Sheetz. Jackson ordered him to pursue as vigorously as possible, and to guard completely all avenues of approach from the direction of McDowell or Staunton till relieved of this duty. Jackson buried the dead and rested his army, and then fell back to the Valley on the Warm Springs and Harrisonburg road. See note by General Schenck, p. 298, and also p. 280.--Editors. The morning after the battle of McDowell I called very early on Jackson at the residence of Colonel George W. Hull of that village, where he had his headquarters, to ask if I could be of any service to him, as I had to go to Staunton, forty miles distant, to look after some companies that were to join my command. He asked me to wait a few moments, as he wished to prepare a telegram to be sent to
loathsome presence of the wicked conspirators, who resorted here to concoct their plans of treachery. From here we went to our Rocky Gap battle-field of August, where we made a halt, and took a survey of the ground; and after visiting the graves of the brave and good men who repose here, we resumed the march, and halted for the night at Calighan's. Next morning, as the column started, a party of bushwhackers fired into the Second. One of the rascals was captured. We took the road to Warm Springs, and a detachment of the Eighth, under Major Slack, was sent to make a reconnoissance in the direction of Covington. During the march this morning, we were startled by an explosion, as if a steam-boiler or mine had burst, and a large volume of smoke arose. One of the caissons of Ewing's battery, in crossing a gully, had exploded, providentially injuring but three men, but scattering the contents all around, and blowing the caisson all to atoms. The accident was occasioned by a percussi
y of the rebel conscript officers. About dark we arrived at Gatewood's, where we intercepted Mudwall Jackson's train, that was on its way from Huntersville to Warm Springs, to get out of reach of Colonel Moore. The train was guarded by two companies of Jackson's ragged chivalry, and loaded with clothing, shoes, and ammunition. Covington. Here we captured a messenger from Jones to Early, with a despatch to be forwarded to Early by Jackson, by telegraph. (Early was supposed to be at Warm Springs.) This proved of importance to the General, for it disclosed the rebel plans, and the movements of Jones, Echols, and McCauslin. The advance hastened at a tro force of about five thousand cavalry, including two batteries of artillery, were advancing down Black Creek, toward Gatewood's, within twelve miles of Warm Springs, in Bath County. Information had at that time been received from General Samuel Jones, that a heavy force of Yankees were also advancing upon Lewisburgh from the Ka
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketches of operations of General John C. Breckinridge. (search)
General Breckinridge addressed himself at once to the work of placing his troops in an effective condition. To this end he made a tour of inspection to all the posts in Virginia on horseback, going in an inclement season as far as the Warm Springs, in Bath county, and traversing the line as far to the southwest as Abingdon, a trip of nearly four hundred miles. Wherever he went, the officers and men were animated by his presence, and new life was infused into all branches of the service. About admit of a statement of the forces of the Department, further than to say that Vaughan's cavalry was on the East Tennessee front, Morgan's at Abingdon, Jenkins' at or near the Narrows of New River, and W. L. Jackson's on the extreme right at Warm Springs — the largest command not exceeding a good brigade; while the only infantry in the Department was Echols' brigade at Union Draught, in Monroe county, and Wharton's brigade at the Narrows of New River--twenty-six miles north of Dublin. Such w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reminiscences of Jackson's Valley campaign. (search)
t any moment in the same condition. The man cannot and the other men will not perform their duty under such circumstances — and for reasons like these, a whole arm of the service is weakened and demoralized, and the handful who could keep mounted had to do all the duty. General Ashby labored under all of these disadvantages in every company in his command, every day he had to move. Look at the map and see the country from which most of his men came; his picket-line ran from the Warm Springs, in Bath county, down the whole Valley and along the Potomac to Harper's Ferry, and around to near Leesburg in Loudon county. To accomplish what he did was wonderful! to expect more could not be realized. These things, and the censure that they produced, was the cause of the alienation that for a time existed between Jackson and Ashby. Others had to handle the same force after Ashby's death, but it took time to accomplish what never was given Ashby — as he could never get his men together und
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Reservations,
inte Wisconsin. Lemhi Idaho. Lower Brule South Dakota. Mackinac Michigan. Mescalero New Mexico. Mission-Tule River California. NavajoNew Mexico. Neah Bay Washington. Nevada Nevada. New York New York. Nez Perces Idaho. Omaha and Winnebago Nebraska. OsageOklahoma. Pima Arizona. Pine Ridge South Dakota. Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe, and Oakland Oklahoma. Pottawattomie and Great Nemaha Kansas. Pueblo and Jicarilla New Mexico. PuyallupWashington. QuapawIndian Territory. RosebudSouth Dakota. Round Valley California. Sac and FoxIowa. Sac and Fox Oklahoma. San Carlos Arizona. Santee Nebraska. Seminole Florida. Shoshone Wyoming. Siletz Oregon. Sisseton South Dakota. Southern Ute Colorado. Standing Rock North Dakota. Tongue River Montana. TulalipWashington. Uintah and Ouray Utah. Umatilla Oregon. Union Indian Territory. Walker River Reservation Nevada. Warm Springs Oregon. Western Shoshone Nevada. White Earth Minnesota. YakimaWashington. Yankton South Dakota.
rd of visitors of the Virginia military institute, William and Mary college and other State institutions. His death occurred at his home in Gloucester county, February 27, 1898. Brigadier-General James B. Terrill Brigadier-General James B. Terrill, a brave Virginia soldier, never wore the title which is here given him, but won it by his bravery and devotion, and fell in battle upon the day his promotion was confirmed by the Congress of the Confederate States. He was born at Warm Springs, Bath county, February 20, 1838, and was educated at the Virginia military institute. In 1858 he began the study of law with Judge Brockenbrough at Lexington, and two years later entered upon the practice of his profession at his native town. He was among the first to enter the military service in 1861, and in May was elected major of the Thirteenth Virginia infantry regiment, of which A. P. Hill was colonel. He served with his regiment under Jackson in the lower Shenandoah valley and at Fir