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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. (search)
e of the greatest soldiers. The campaign of the Valley. The evening Ewell arrived at Conrad's store Jackson marched from there. He had been followed up the Valley by Banks and Shields, who were then near New Market, and had taken refuge from their pursuit in the lock of the mountains at Conrad's, with the river in his front and the Blue Ridge on his flanks and rear. Marching to Port Republic, he crossed into the Piedmont country by Brown's gap, striking the Virginia Central road at Waynesboro, and thence was not heard of for days. Banks telegraphed that Jackson had fled from him. About the 10th of May, however, news came from that General in his laconic dispatch, God has given us a victory at McDowell's to-day. Passing swiftly through Staunton, he had fallen like a thunderbolt on Milroy at McDowell, and hurled him back. Then wheeling down the Valley, he was already on the march for Banks. On the 14th Ewell marched for Columbia bridge, but Shields had already passed it and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Artillery on the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
ittle firing, and on the afternoon of that day, under orders from General Hill, I withdrew to Stone Bridge and awaited there the body of the corps, with which I moved to the village of Fairfield. Ordered here to report to General Anderson with two batteries, which I did, moving with his division, crossed the mountain before dark, leaving a section on the top, at the Emmitsburg road, and sending a battery at night with a regiment of Posey's brigade, to take position on the hill overlooking Waynesboro. Monday, the 5th, moved with the main column to Hagerstown and sent one battery to picket with Anderson's and one with Lane's division. On the 11th instant moved with General Anderson's division into line of battle, and took position designated near St. James College, which strong of itself, was well entrenched, but occupied without battle till the evening of the 13th, when I withdrew at dark by your order, moving to Williamsport and thence to Falling Waters, over the worst road and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General J. A. Early's report of the Gettysburg campaign. (search)
tificers, etc., etc. were enlisted soldiers. My division, notwithstanding the absence of three small regiments, was fully an average one in our army; and we had but nine in all of infantry. The Seventeenth Virginia cavalry, under Colonel Wm. H. French, of Jenkins's brigade, reported to me on this day, by order of General Ewell, and remained with me until the battle of Gettysburg. On the 23d I moved through Cavetown, Smithtown, and Ringgold (or Ridgeville, as it is most usually called) to Waynesboro in Pennsylvania. On the 24th I moved through Quincy and Altodale to Greenwood on the macadamised road from Chambersburg to Gettysburg. Rodes's and Johnson's divisions had preceded me across the Potomac, the former at Williamsport and the latter at Shepherdstown, taking the route through Hagerstown and Greencastle to Chambersburg. My route was along the western base of South Mountain, and the very excellent public maps of the counties in Maryland and Pennsylvania which we obtained from
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 (search)
arming the country; and vigorous preparations were made not only by the general government, but here in Pennsylvania and in the sister States, to repel the inroad. After two days passed at Chambersburg, Jenkins, anxious for his communications with Ewell, fell back with his plunder to Hagerstown. Here he remained for several days, and then, having swept the recesses of the Cumberland Valley, came down upon the eastern flank of the South Mountain, and pushed his marauding parties as far as Waynesboro. On the 22d the remainder of Ewell's corps crossed the river and moved up the valley. They were followed on the 24th by Longstreet and Hill, who crossed at Williamsport and Sheppardstown and, pushing up the valley, encamped at Chambersburg on the 27th. In this way the whole rebel army, estimated at 90,000 infantry, upward of 10,000 cavalry, and 4,000 or 5,000 artillery, making a total of 105,000 of all arms, was concentrated in Pennsylvania. Up to this time no report of Hooker's move
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fisher's Hill, action at. (search)
the holding in check of Torbert's cavalry in the Luray Valley, and the detention of Wilson's cavalry, who fought at Front Royal the day before (Sept. 21). Sheridan chased Early to Port republic (q. v.), where he destroyed the Confederate train of seventy-five wagons. Thence his cavalry pursued as far as Staunton, where the remnant of Early's army sought and found shelter in the passes of the Blue Ridge. The National cavalry destroyed a vast amount of supplies at Staunton, passed on to Waynesboro, and laid waste the Virginia Central Railway. Then Sheridan's whole army went down the Shenandoah Valley, making his march a track of desolation. He had been instructed to leave nothing to invite the enemy to return. placed his forces behind Cedar Creek, halfway between Strasburg and Middletown. Early's cavalry had rallied, under Rosser, and hung upon Sheridan's rear as he moved down the valley. Torbert and his cavalry turned upon them (Oct. 9) and charged the Confederates, who fled,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Shenandoah Valley, chronology of the operations in the (search)
d defeats Early, strongly fortified at Opequan Creek, near WinchesterSept. 19, 1864 Early falls back to Fisher's Hill, south of Winchester, where Sheridan routs him, taking 1,100 prisoners and sixteen gunsSept. 23, 1864 Sheridan pushes Early to the mountains; returns to Cedar Creek, and, leaving his command, visits WashingtonOct. 15, 1864 Early, reinforced, returns to Fisher's Hill, and, learning of Sheridan's absence, sets out to attack on the evening ofOct. 18, 1864 Surprises the Federals under Wright, driving them back with a loss of twenty-four guns and 1,200 prisoners, morning ofOct. 19, 1864 Sheridan at Winchester on the night of the 18th. On his way to the front news of the rout of his army reaches him. His arrival on the field stops the retreat. Early is crushed and the campaign in the valley ended, Oct. 19, 1864. See Cedar Creek. Sheridan, with 10,000 cavalry, drives the Confederates from Waynesboro, Feb. 27, and, advancing, joins Grant before PetersburgMarch 27, 1865
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sheridan, Philip Henry 1831-1888 (search)
0,000 men, composed of the divisions of cavalry of Merritt and Custer. To the latter division was added a brigade of West Virginia troops under --Colonel Capehart. Sheridan's troops moved rapidly up the Shenandoah Valley towards Staunton. On the way they met Rosser, with 400 men, who was disposed to dispute the passage of a fork of the Shenandoah; but he was soon chased away, and the column moved on to Staunton and Rockfish Gap. Early, with 2,500 men behind strong intrenchments, was at Waynesboro to dispute their passage. Custer soon routed him, capturing 1,600 of his men, with eleven guns, seventeen battle-flags, and 200 loaded wagons, with a loss of less than a dozen men. This finished Early as a military leader. The raiders destroyed Confederate property in the vicinity valued at $1,000,000. During that night Sheridan went over the Blue Ridge in a drenching rain, and entered Charlottesville late the next day, where he waited for his pontoons and ammunition to come over the mou
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 9 (search)
he enemy attack, I can mass to meet him, and if he assumes the defensive, I can deploy as I think proper. I transmit a copy of dispatch sent to Gen. Smith at Waynesboro; one of like tenor was sent to Gen. Couch. The operations of both these officers should be made to conform to mine. They can readily ascertain my progress frill, in command of a brigade of infantry and one of cavalry, who followed the retreat of the enemy through Fairfield and effected a junction with Gen. Smith, at Waynesboro. A copy of my dispatch to Gen. Smith is also sent you. When I spoke of two Corps having to leave their batteries behind, I should have stated that they remainethe same line to-morrow until I can develop more fully the enemy's position and force, upon which my future operations will depend. General Smith is still at Waynesboro; a dispatch was received from him at that place, this morning. Instructions similar to those of yesterday were sent to him. July 10, 9 P. M. Halleck to Mead
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Connecticut Volunteers. (search)
Pike September 21. Milford September 22. Tom's Brook, Woodstock Races, October 8-9. Battle of Cedar Creek October 10. Cedar Creek October 13. Cedar Run Church October 17. Newtown, Cedar Creek, November 12. Rude's Hill, near Mount Jackson, November 22. Raid to Lacy Springs December 19-22. Lacy Springs December 21. Expedition from Winchester to Moore-field, W. Va., February 4-6, 1865. Sheridan's Raid February 27-March 25. Occupation of Staunton March 2. Waynesboro March 2. Charlottesville March 3. Ashland March 15. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie C. H. March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Fall of Petersburg April 2. Namozine Church April 3. Sailor's Creek April 6. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox C. H., April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Expedition to Danville April 23-29. Moved to Washington, D. C., May. Grand review May 23. Provost duty at Washington till August. Mustered out A
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
8. Winchester August 17. Near Kearneysville August 25. Near Brucetown and Winchester September 7. Battle of Opequan, Winchester, September 19. Near Cedarville September 20. Front Royal September 21. Milford September 22. Waynesboro September 29 and October 2. Back Road, near Strasburg, October 7. Near Kernstown November 10. Newtown November 12. Cedar Creek and Rude's Hill, near New Market, November 22. Expedition from Kernstown to Lacey Springs December 19-22. Lacey Springs December 21. Sheridan's Raid from Winchester February 27-March 25, 1865. Waynesboro March 2. Ashland March 15. Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9. Dinwiddie Court House March 30-31. Five Forks April 1. Deep Creek April 3. Sailor's Creek April 5. Appomattox Station April 8. Appomattox Court House April 9. Surrender of Lee and his army. Grand Review at Washington, D. C., May 23. Moved to Louisville, Ky. Mustered out August 7, 1865.
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