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ts swam the river above the bridge, and drove the opposing force to Kline's mills, about seven miles from Staunton. Early, with about three thousand men, was at Staunton, and, as Sheridan approached, the rebel general made a rapid retreat to Waynesboro, whereupon Sheridan entered Staunton. He had now to determine whether to move on Lynchburg, leaving Early in his rear, or to go out and fight him, opening Rockfish Gap, and then pass through the Blue Ridge and destroy the railroads and canal. d been pouring for two days, the roads were bad beyond description, and horses and men could hardly be recognized through the mud that covered them; but Custer was ordered to take up the pursuit, followed closely by Devin. Early was found at Waynesboro in a well-chosen position, behind breastworks, with two brigades of infantry and a force of cavalry under Rosser. Custer, without waiting to make a reconnoissance, and thus allow the enemy to get up his courage by delay, disposed his troops at
ode's Hill, where I halted until the enemy's infantry came up next day and was trying to flank me, when I moved off in line of battle for eight miles, occasionally halting to check the enemy. This continued till nearly sundown, when I got a position at which I checked the enemy's further progress for that day, and then moved under cover of night towards Port Republic to unite with Kershaw. After doing this, I drove a division of cavalry from my front at Port Republic, and then moved to Waynesboro, where two divisions under Torbert were destroying the bridge, and drove them away; and, after remaining there one day, I moved to the vicinity of Mount Crawford, where I awaited the arrival of Rosser's brigade to take the offensive; but, before it arrived, the enemy was discovered to be falling back on the morning of the 6th. I immediately commenced following the enemy, and arrived here on the 7th, and have been waiting to ascertain whether Sheridan intends crossing the Blue Ridge before
econd movement against Washington, 19-22; movements on Potomac, 22-28; battle of Winchester, 29; manoeuvres in Shenandoah valley, 84; battle of Tom's brook, 86; battle of Cedar creek, 91-10; characteristics of, 106-108; retreat from Staunton to Waynesboro, 413; battle of Waynesboro, 413; capture of entire forces of, 414; removed from command, 414. Egan, General Thomas W., at battle of Hatcher's run, III., 124. Election, Presidential effect of, on the war, III., 166; rebel machinations in tnterference at, 12; Early's campaign against, 430-444; telegraphic communication cut off from City Point, 444; Grant protects, 445, 450; Halleck's method of protecting, 450; Grant reinforces, 469, 490. Washington, N. C., capture, II., 57. Waynesboro, battle of, III., 413, 414. Wauhatchie, battle of, i., 449, 450. Weitzel, General G. movement north of James river, October 28, 1864, III., 123; Wilmington expedition 225; at Fort Fisher, 315, 323; at Bermuda Hundred, 442; enters Richmond