Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cunard (West Virginia, United States) or search for Cunard (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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he insurrection. The New York Herald of Saturday says: There is no truth in the report published that the Kedar was to sail immediately with provisions and troops for the Government, and "that three or four of the fine steamers of the Cunard line will be chartered, and remain in the service during the entire war." The charter of the Kedar is terminated, and the owners of the Cunard line have never been applied to, nor thought of chartering, any of the ships of their line. The BCunard line have never been applied to, nor thought of chartering, any of the ships of their line. The Black Republican papers are somewhat exercised about the position of Kentucky.--The Philadelphia Inquirer says: Kentucky must prove herself to be for the Union or against it. Her neutrality is treason, and her inaction war. Hence, if she persists in remaining in her present position, she must, perforce, be ranked and treated as among the enemies of the country. Voting for Union candidates to a Border State Conference, even by tremendous majorities, will not do. Besides, there are no border