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the question of the arrest of Mason and Slidell under her flag. The Cabinet continued its preparations for war with the United States, should such a step be rendered necessary by the act of Captain Wilkes, and the refusal of our Cabinet to atone for it in the manner demanded. A large number of troops were under orders for Canada. The frigate Warrior was coaling for service in North America, if need, and all British seamen on leave of absence were or dared to join their ships at once. The Cunard mail steamer Persia has been chartered, with the Australasian, for Government service. General Scott had common cited a letter, through the United States Consul, to the Paris press, in which he denies that the seizure of the rebel agents, even on board of a neutral vessel, was predetermined by the Cabinet in Washington to his knowledge.--He says he is unaware of any such resolution, and expresses the hope that the amicable relations exalting between England and the United States may be