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C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 29 (search)
esta. The statues of the fifty daughters of Danae surrounded the portico; and opposite to them were their husbands on horseback. In this temple were preserved some of the finest works of the Greek artists, both in sculpture and painting. Here, in the presence of Augustus, Horace's Carmen Seculare was sung by twenty-seven noble youths, and as many virgins. And here, as our author informs us, Augustus, towards the end of his reign, often assembled the senate. in that part of his house on the Palatine hill which had been struck with lightning, and which, on that account, the soothsayers declared the God to have chosen. He added porticos to it, with a library of Latin and Greek authors; The library adjoined the temple, and was under the protection of Apollo. Caius Julius Hegenus, a freedman of Augustus, and an eminent grammarian, was the librarian. and when advanced in years, used frequently there to hold the senate, and examine the rolls of the judges. He dedicated the temple to Ju
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Nero (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 31 (search)
an in his buildings. He completed his palace by continuing it from the Palatine to the Esquiline hill, calling the building at first only "The Passage," but after it was burnt down and rebuilt, "The Golden House.The Palace of the Caesars, on the Palatine hill, was enlarged by Augustus from the dimensions of a private house (see AUGTUSTUS, cc. xxix., lvii.). Tiberius made some additions to it, and Caligula extended it to the forum (CALIGULA, c. xxxi.). Tacitus gives a similar account with that of our author of the extent and splendour of the works of Claudius. Annma xv. c. xlli. Reaching from the Palatine to the Esquiline hill, it covered all the intermediate space, where the Colosseum now stands. We shall find that it was still further enlarged by Domitian, c. xv. of his life in the present work. Of its dimensions and furniture, it may be sufficient to say thus much: the porch was so high that there stood in it a colossal statue of himself a hundred and twenty feet in height; and the
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 5 (search)
th of the calends of October [the 23rd September], a little before sunrise, in the quarter of the Palatine Hill, The Palatine hill was not only the first seat of the colony of Romulus, but gave its name to the first and principal of the four regions into which the city was divided, from the time of Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome, to that of Augustus; the others being the Suburra, Esquilina, and Collina. and the street called The Ox-Heads, There were seven streets or quarters in the Palatine region, one of which was called "Ad Capita Bubula," either from the butchers' stalls at which ox-heads are hung up for sale, or from their being sculptured on some edifice. Thus the remains of a fortification near the tomb of Cecilia Metella are now called Capo di Bove, from the arms of the Gaetani family over the gate. where now stands a chapel dedicated to him, and built a little after his death. For, as it is recorded in the proceedings of the senate, when Caius Laetorius, a young man
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caligula (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 56 (search)
t favourites amongst his freedmen, and the prefects of the pretorian guards; because, having been nante, though falsely, as concerned in one conspiracy against hipi, they perceived that they were suspected and become objects of his hatred. For he had immediately endeavoured to render them obnoxious to the soldiery, drawing his sword, and declaring, "That he would kill himself if they thought him worthy of death ;" and ever after he was continually accusing them to one another, and setting them all mutually at variance. The conspirators having resolved to fall upon him as he returned at noon from the Palatine garies, Cassius Charea, tribune of the pretorian guards, claimed the part of making the onset. This Chaerea was now an elderly man, and had been often reproached by Caius for effeminacy. When he came for the watchword, the latter would give "Priapus," or "Venus;" and if on any occasion he returned thanks, would offer him his hand to kiss, making with his fingers an obscene gesture.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Caligula (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 58 (search)
ius gave him "Jupiter," upon which Chaerea cried out, "Be it so !" and then, on his looking round, clove one of his jaws with a blow. As he lay on the ground, crying out that he was still alive,Josephus, who supplies us with minute details of the assassination of Caligula, says that he made no outcry, either disdaining it, or because an alarm would have been useless; but that he attempted to make his escape through a corridor which led to some baths behind the palace. Among the ruins on the Palatine hill, these baths still attract attention, some of the frescos being in good preservation. See the account in Josephus, xix. i, 2. the rest dispatched him with thirty wounds. For the word agreed upon among them all was, "Strike again." Some likewise ran their swords through his privy parts. Upon the first bustle, the litter bearers came running in with their poles to his assistance, and, immediately afterwards, his German body guards, who killed some of the assassins, and also some senator
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 70 (search)
In other matters, it appears that he was moderate in his habits, and free from suspicion of any kind of vice. He lived at first near the Roman Forum, above the Ring-maker's Stairs, in a house which had once been occupied by Calvus the orator. He afterwards moved to the Palatine Hill, where he resided in a small houseEnlarged by Tiberius and succeeding emperors. The ruins of the palace of the Caesars are still seen on the Palatine. belonging to Hortensius, no way remarkable either for size or ornament; the piazzas being but small, the pillars of Alban stone, Probably travertine, a soft limestone, from the Alban Mount, which was, therefore, cheaply procured and easily worked. and the rooms without any thing of marble, or fine paving. He continued to use the same bed-chamber, both winter and summer, during forty years:It was usual among the Romans to have separate sets of apartments for summer and winter use, according to their exposure to the sun. for though he was sensible that the ci