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ng three men and breaking the wagon in pieces. October, 7 Left Logan's mill before the sun was up. The rain continues, and the mud is deep. At eleven o'clock we reached what is known as Marshall's store, near which, until recently, the enemy had a pretty large camp. Halted at the place half an hour, and then moved four miles further on, where we found the roads impassable for our artillery and transportation. Learning that the enemy had abandoned Big Springs and fallen back to Huntersville, the soldiers were permitted to break ranks, while Colonel Marrow and Major Keifer, with a company of cavalry, rode forward to the Springs. Colonel Nick Anderson, Adjutant Mitchell and I followed. We found on the road evidence of the recent presence of a very large force. Quite a number of wagons had been left behind. Many tents had been ripped, cut to pieces, or burned, so as to render them worthless. A large number of beef hides were strung along the road. One wagon, loaded with mu
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee's West Virginia campaign. (search)
eard of a Pass about forty miles west, near Huntersville, by which Cheat Mountain might be turned. Virginia to proceed direct from Staunton to Huntersville. This was the condition of affairs when Gerce which had been ordered to rendezvous at Huntersville, and advance by the Pass that Colonel Gillid movement. When General Loring arrived at Huntersville, about the 1st of August, he found already alley Mountain Pass, fifteen miles west of Huntersville, with two regiments, and two other regiment from Staunton. The force of Loring on the Huntersville line amounted in round numbers to eight thord the formation of a depot of supplies at Huntersville, and the organization of a supply train, asred to overlook the fact that the line from Huntersville to Beverly, only forty miles long, was to bH. Taylor. After remaining several days at Huntersville without gaining any positive information fronsiderable loss. Soon after his return to Huntersville, General Loring was instructed to report to[3 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Black Horse cavalry. (search)
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel William H. Payne, formerly captain of the Black Horse. He bore himself with conspicuous gallantry, and was taken prisoner in a charge which he led, the regiment sustaining considerable loss in killed and wounded. The effort of Kilpatrick to detain Stuart was foiled by this fight, and he moved on to Carlisle barracks, which, with his artillery, he set on fire. From Carlisle the Southern cavalry marched to Gettysburg, and took position on Lee's left, near Huntersville. They took part in the battle on the memorable 3d of July, 1863, in which the Southern Confederacy received its death wound. Upon Meade's advance into Virginia, Lee retired to the south bank of the Rapidan, with headquarters at Orange Court-House, where he remained until October 11th. He then determined to assume the offensive. With this intent he ordered General Fitz Lee, with whom the Black Horse was serving, to cross the Rapidan at Raccoon and Morton's fords, where he found hims
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
er in the United States service, to be Garnett's successor. Loring left Richmond July 22d and proceeded at once to Monterey, in Highland County, and thence to Huntersville, where a force was being organized for the purpose of securing the Cheat Mountain pass, a strategic point of great value over which the Staunton and Parkersbury movements now. General Lee proceeded at once to West Virginia, and for the first time assumed active command of the troops in the field. He went at first to Huntersville, where he found Loring, then to Valley Mountain, where Colonel Gilliam had been stationed. From the former point he wrote to his wife, August 4, 1861: God has given us! How thankless and ungrateful we are! And from Valley Mountain, August 9, 1861, he writes: I have been three days coming from Monterey to Huntersville. The mountains are beautiful, fertile to the tops, covered with the richest sward and blue grass and white clover. The inclosed fields wave with a natural gr
January 4. Huntersville, a depot for rebel supplies in the mountains, between Huttonsville and Warm Springs, Va., was attacked by the National troops, and all the supplies there were captured and destroyed. The National troops engaged were detachments of the Fifth Ohio, the Second Virginia, and Bradsin's Cavalry — some seven hundred and forty in all. The rebels had four hundred cavalry and three hundred and fifty infantry. Two miles from Huntersville, the National troops were met by theHuntersville, the National troops were met by the rebel cavalry, who were driven from point to point, and at last the whole rebel force beat a hasty retreat from the town as the Nationals charged through it.--(Doc. 4.) All the Kentucky banks, located where rebel domination prevails, were consolidated under Henry J. Lyons, formerly of Louisville, as President, who had authority to run them for the Southern Confederacy.--Louisville Journal, January 4. Judge Hemphill, ex-Senator in the Congress of the United States, and afterwards a mem
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
on he fights Johnston, of Georgia, at Alleghany Summit, 103. expedition to Huntersville operations on the Seacoast, 104. burning of Hampton by Magruder General Wett and Pegram in Northern Virginia. He made his Headquarters at Huntersville, in Pocahontas County. His entire force, early in August, numbered full sixteen thousa cavalrymen. General Lee's Headquarters, at this time, were at Huntersville, in Pocahontas County. His scouts were active everywhere, and so were those of Reynoldon with the Shenandoah Valley at Staunton. For this purpose he marched from Huntersville on the night of the llth of September, 1861. with nine thousand men, and neon the Greenbrier River, at the foot of Cheat Mountain, and a small force at Huntersville, to watch Reynolds. He now proceeded to fortify Wise's position on Big Sewe Summit. Late in December he sent a force to break up a Confederate post at Huntersville, and capture or destroy military stores there. The main expedition consiste
28; at the battle of Seminary Ridge, 3.61. Hunter, Gen., David, Fremont ordered to turn over his command to, 2.83; his operations in Kansas, 2.184; freedom of slaves proclaimed by in the Department of the South, 3.185; relieved by Gen. Mitchel in the Department of the South, 3.188; supersedes Gen. Sigel, 3.314; defeats Jones and McCausland at Piedmont, 3.315; retreat of from Lynchburg, III, 315; relieved by Sheridan, 3.350. Hunter, Senator, propositions of, in the Senate, 1.225. Huntersville, expedition sent against by Milroy, 2.104. Huntsville, Ala., capture of by Gen. Mitchel, 2.266. I. Illinois, attitude of in relation to secession, 1.212; response of to the President's call for troops, 1.456. Imprisonment of seditious persons, 1.450. Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, 1.287. Inauguration, of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederacy, 1.257. Independence, Mo., captured by Confederates, 2.532; Price driven from by Pleasanton, 3.279. Indiana, atti
rginia. Convention called State organization effected McClelian advances fight at Rich McUntain Rebel rout at Carrick's Ford Union repulse at Searytown surprise at cross Lanes Caraifex Ferry Guyandotte Romney Alleghany Summit Huntersville. the Virginia Convention of 1861, of which a majority assumed to vote their State out of the Union, as we have seen, had been elected not only as Unionists, but under an express stipulation that their action should be valid only in case of ommenced his flank attack, which was of course a failure. Milroy retreated unpursued to his old camp. But, not discouraged, he dispatched Major Webster, of the 25th Ohio, with 800 men, on the last day of the year, to break up a Rebel post at Huntersville, fifty miles south, on the Greenbrier. The weather was cold; the ground covered with snow; yet the march was made in three days, the Rebel force driven out, and six buildings, filled with provisions and forage, destroyed by fire; the expediti
retary of War, 499. Hopkins, Rev. Samuel, 37; 71; 254-5. Houston, Sam., 149; goes to Texas, 150; confers with Jackson, 151; beats Runnells for Governor, 339; his death, 340. See Texas. Huger, Gen., commands near Fort Monroe, 529. Hughes, Francis W., 439. Humphrey, Rev. Luther, John Brown to, 297. Hunt, Gen. Memucan, 151. Hunter, Gen. David, wounded at Bull Run, 545; 551; 593; 594. Hunter, R. M. T., of Va., 317; a Commissioner from Davis to Gov. Jackson, 577. Huntersville, Va., Rebel post captured, 527. Hutchinsons, the, McClellan expels, 629-30. I. Iberville, erects a fort on the Mississippi, 54. Ibrahim Pacha, plants cotton in Egypt. 58. Illinois, the Douglas-Lincoln debate in. 301; the result, 302; the State pledges assistance to the Kentucky Unionists, 495. See Cairo and Alton. imports, value of, by 8th decennial census, 23. Indiana, Republicans beaten in, 301; Republicans a majority in, 326; the State pledges assistance to the Kentu
Cheat Mountain, W. Va., Sept. 12, 1861 2 Scout, Aug. 1, 1863 1 Grafton, W. Va., Dec. 1, 1861 1 Honey Hill, S. C. 35 Camp Allegheny, W. Va., Dec. 13, 1861 11 Deveaux Neck, S. C. 6 Baldwin's Creek, W. Va., Dec. 31, 1861 3 Judson Hill, S. C. 1 McDowell, Va., May 8, 1862 12 Red Hill, S. C. 1 Cross Keys, Va. 10 Combahee Ferry, S. C. 2 Manassas, Va. 16 Guerillas 1 Chancellorsville, Va. 30 Place unknown 1 Gettysburg, Pa. 25     Present, also, at Green Brier, W. Va.; Huntersville, Va.; Monterey, Va.; Freeman's Ford, Va.; Hagerstown, Md.; Siege of Fort Wagner, S. C.; Occupation of Charleston, S. C.; Swift Creek, S. C. notes--Company D was permanently detached, March 17, 1862, as the Twelfth Ohio Light Battery, leaving a vacancy in the regiment until October, 1864, when a newly recruited company of one-year men took its place, the above enrollment of Company D including both companies. The regiment was recruited from the State at large, and organized at Columbus