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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee's West Virginia campaign. (search)
directed Loring to detach Gilliam with his own regiment (the battalion of State Regulars) and a section of artillery to occupy Valley Mountain Pass, and proceed with the remainder of his force to reinforce General Floyd. General Lee arrived at Meadow Bluff about the 7th of October, where he found Floyd. Meadow Bluff is a small village near the eastern base of Sewell Mountain. Floyd had proposed making a stand there, but Wise had halted on the top of the mountain, five miles in rear, where he hMeadow Bluff is a small village near the eastern base of Sewell Mountain. Floyd had proposed making a stand there, but Wise had halted on the top of the mountain, five miles in rear, where he had determined to fight. The hostility that had previously existed between the two generals had not been diminished by the affair at Carnifax's Ferry; the arrival of General Lee was, therefore, fortunate, as it most probably prevented a disaster, since Rosecrans was advancing, and would have been able to strike both Wise and Floyd in detail. General Lee found General Wise occupying the eastern crest of Sewell Mountain; being satisfied with the position, he determined to hold it, and give battle
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
etween them necessary to win success. General Rosecrans, an able and sagacious officer, was not slow to recognize the detached positions of these commands, and determined to re-enforce Cox and attempt the defeat of one or both of them. He advanced rapidly and assaulted Floyd's position, but was repulsed. Floyd then crossed the Gauley, followed by Rosecrans, and with Wise fell back to Sewell Mountain, the latter remaining on its eastern front, while the former fell still farther back to Meadow Bluff, eighteen miles west of Lewisburg. Leaving the operations in this section for the present to the immediate commanders of the troops, General Lee proposed first to win a victory, if possible, over Reynolds. He was combative, anxious to strike, but many difficulties confronted him. He fully realized he had been sent to West Virginia to retrieve Confederate disasters, and that he had a most difficult task to perform. The Federal commander held the center summit of Cheat Mountain pass,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Sigel in the Shenandoah Valley in 1864. (search)
Newbern, and after destroying the bridge over New River and the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad for a considerable distance, returned by Union and Lewisburg to Meadow Bluff, where he arrived on the 19th of May. General Averell, at the head of two thousand cavalry, moved on a more western line against Saltville, with the intention attle of New Market did not affect his movements at that time, since, after his raid against the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, he fell back to Lewisburg and Meadow Bluff, where, on the 19th of May, he found my dispatch, saying that he should advance to Staunton. We arrived with all our troops behind the Shenandoah, at Mount eration. A dispatch from General Grant was received in the evening of that day, saying that I should march to Staunton.--F. S. He answered on the 19th from Meadow Bluff, that on account of certain difficulties he could not move before a week, but that he would move on the 1st of June and be in Staunton in six days. On the same
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
irginia Reynolds wounded, 98. attempt to capture the Summit foiled Lee repulsed at Elkwater, 99. he joins Floyd at Meadow Bluff conflict near traveler's repose, 100. Rosecrans and Lee between the Gauley and New Rivers Floyd driven from New RivMountain, near New River, thirty miles distant from the battle-field. After resting there a few days, he pushed on to Meadow Bluff, whilst Wise, who had refused to send him re-enforcements at the Ferry, and now refused to follow him, Wise could nesigns against Reynolds, withdrew from the Cheat Mountain region with a greater part of his force, and joined Floyd at Meadow Bluff, at the close of September. Sept. 20, 1861. He had left General H. R. Jackson, of Georgia, with about three thousand Wise, and found himself in command of an army of at least twenty thousand men. When Lee arrived at Floyd's camp at Meadow Bluff, he wrote to Wise, advising him to fall back without delay. Wise hesitated, and invited General Lee to visit him, and
re. J. F. Belton, Assistant Adjutant-General. Knoxville, Tenn., June 9, 1862. Maj. Gen. E. Kirby Smith: Barton's command has been delayed; are now all gone. He is directed to telegraph you from stations on the route and to hasten on. J. F. Belton, Assistant Adjutant-General. Hdqrs. Department of Southwest Virginia, Salt Sulphur Springs, June 9, 1862. Maj. W. H. Taylor, Assistant Adjutant-General: Major: The enemy is still at Flat Top Mountain, on the one side of New River and Meadow Bluff on the other. The necessity of keeping a guard upon the numerous passes with the small command we have prevents my combining our forces on the one side or the other and striking him, without seriously endangering the railroad or salt-works. We are watching his movements closely, and if he gives us the least opportunity we will attack him. Cannot General Marshall be given a command somewhere else? He is undoubtedly an officer of great mind and experience, and could no doubt render
borhood of Carnifex Ferry, was one of the most remarkable incidents of the campaign in Western Virginia. The force of Gen. Floyd's command was 1,740 men; and from 3 o'clock P. M. until night-fall it sustained, with unwavering determination and the most brilliant success, an assault from an enemy between eight and nine thousand strong, made with small-arms, grape, and round-shot, from howitzers and rifled cannon. He rapidly retreated some thirty miles to Big Sewell Mountain, and thence to Meadow Bluff, whither he was not closely followed. Wise strengthened the position on Big Sewell, named it Camp Defiance, and there remained. Gen. Lee, arriving from the North with a considerable Rebel force, took command of both Floyd's and Wise's troops, swelling his army to 20,000 men. Rosecrans, after remaining several days in his front at Big Sewell, retreated thirty miles to the Gauley, and was not pursued; Gen. Lee being soon after recalled to take a command on the coast, and Gov. Wise ord
of which arrived the day before Hunter attacked June 18. the city from the south, and still more during the following night, wherein several trains arrived from the east filled with men. Hunter found his ammunition running low, a strong city before him, and the whole Confederacy virtually rallying to overwhelm him. He had no choice but to retreat, sharply pursued; following the railroad westward to Salem — where the pursuit ended — and thence striking, via Newcastle, June 22. for Meadow bluff, June 25. in West Virginia; his provisions long since exhausted, and very little to be gleaned in midsummer from that poor, thinly-peopled, war-exhausted region. No rations were obtained till the 27th; and the sufferings of men and loss of horses were deplorable. The direction of his retreat may have been misjudged; but Hunter, lacking many things, never lacked courage; and he believed that an attempt to regain the Shenandoah directly from Lynchburg would have seriously imperiled h
y precipitate retreat from the Big Sewell, with about three thousand men, to Meadow Bluff, destroying much baggage and abandoning much provision. His troops were und Wise on the following day to prepare to cover his rear and to follow him to Meadow Bluff, having information that the enemy was advancing one column by the Wildernesgh to fight, would have been equally demoralized by retreating any further. Meadow Bluff affords no position. No real demonstration had yet or has since been made ohis trial, to step forward, promising that they should be marched at once to Meadow Bluff. This speech, delivered successively to the three regiments of infantry ando thousand men. About this time Gen. Lee arrived in Gen. Floyd's camps at Meadow Bluff, and wrote to Gen. Wise, advising him to fall back if executable, without deldiers. If Gen. Lee should fall back, it will only be on account of demonstrations on his rear. Gen. Floyd was at Meadow Bluff with one thousand five hundred men.
nds the ill-fated campaign in Western Virginia in a blaze of glory for the Yankees. Yet the Examiner designates General Floyd as the hero of thirty engagements. Well may General Floyd exclaim, No more of that, Hal, an' thou lovest me. Lynchburg Virginian narrative. camp Cantonment Verina, Nov. 29, 1861. Mr. Editor: Perhaps you have not had a correct detailed account of General Floyd's retreat from Cotton Hill, although you may have heard various accounts about it. I was at Meadow Bluff at the time of the retreat, but soon after left there, and joined the brigade here two days ago, and have carefully taken notes from accounts of the retreat furnished me by various officers. It is another dark shadow in the campaign of Western Virginia. It is an event that gives encouragement to and emboldens the enemy on all sides. I regret that it has to be related, but we must be honest, and give a correct account of failures as well as triumphs; though this is not the policy of the
ictory will be important. The General Commanding is confident that the forces now under his immediate command but lack the opportunity to emulate the gallantry and share the glory of their comrades of the army of the Kanawha. This circular will be read at the head of every regiment or separate corps in this army. By order of Major-General Fremont. Albert Tracy, Colonel, and Assistant Adjutant-General. Cincinnati Commercial account. camp Third provisional brigade, Meadow Bluff, Western Virginia, June 6, 1862. A battle was fought at Lewisburgh on the twenty-third of May, between the Thirty-sixth and Forty-fourth Ohio regiments, under command of Col. George Crook, Acting Brigadier-General, and three thousand rebel troops, under Gen. Heath. Without doubt, it was the most brilliant and complete victory ever won in Western Virginia, and it is quite unjust to the brave Buckeye boys engaged, and to their many loving friends at home, that no notice whatever has been taken o