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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
ed and estopped, he was compelled to give over. Meantime, the column of Longstreet, whose line of march flanked the swamp and gave free motion, were pushing rapidly forward on the Long Bridge or New Market road, which runs at right angles to the Quaker road, on which the army and its trains were hurrying towards the James. At the very time Jackson was arrested at White Oak Swamp, Longstreet had arrived within a mile of the point of intersection of these two roads. Should he be able to seize ant point already covered, and if gained it would be at the price of a battle. The force at the point of contact was McCall's division of Pennsylvania Reserves, formed at right angles across the New Market road, in front of, and parallel to, the Quaker road. McCall's disposition was as follows: Meade's brigade on the right, Sey mour's on the left, and Simmons' (Reynolds') in reserve. Randall's (Regular) battery in front of the line on the right, Cooper's and Kern's opposite the centre, and
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 13 (search)
route then led westward by the stage-road. At a distance of four miles from Hatcher's Run, the Quaker road runs northward from the stage-road to the Boydton plankroad. Warren was directed to move uumphreys' corps on the right of Warren, and both corps pushed northward—the latter moving on the Quaker road, the former through the woods between that road and Hatcher's Run. But as Humphreys' advan progress was toilsome and through a difficult country. When Warren, on the left, moving by the Quaker road, had advanced to within about two miles of the Confederate position, the resistance, which of facts. He suggested that Warren should send troops both by the Boydton plankroad and by the Quaker road, further to the east, even if he should give up the meditated rear attack. But the distance to Dinwiddie by the Quaker road was above ten miles, and, at the advanced hour of the night at which the dispatch was received, it would have been impossible for the troops by that road to have reac
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1852. (search)
The troops, after two or three hours of such rest as could be obtained in wet clothes on the wet ground, without shelter, were summoned to continue their march. An hour or two brought them to Nelson's farm, where they were halted to cover the Quaker road, the main line of communication with James River. Franklin's division had been left at White-Oak Swamp to protect the rear, and about noon had become engaged with the enemy. Two brigades, Dana's and Gorman's of Sedgwick's division, were hastily marched to Franklin's support, but upon a fierce and successful attack of the enemy made in the afternoon upon McCall's division of Pennsylvania Reserves, which occupied the position of Glendale, in front of the Quaker road, were sent back at double-quick to aid in recovering the position. It was an oppressively hot day, and the leading brigade, Dana's, was immediately hurried into action on its arrival from the swamp, for the exigency was most imminent. The men were panting with exhaust
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Chapter 17: (search)
wants anticipated, and yet a perfect freedom. . . . . After their return he writes thus to Mr. Daveis:— Boston, September 4, 1822. my dear Charles,—We made a very pleasant journey homeward, not, indeed, without some feelings of regret that we were obliged to make it so soon, and arrived here just at the time we proposed. The next afternoon my faithful agent from New Hampshire made his punctual appearance, and I had two days of good work to go through This agent was an old Quaker, called Friend Williams.. . . . . We had a very pleasant visit indeed with you in Portland, and in truth the whole of our Eastern excursion will be long remembered among the bright spots in our recollections. For, after all, it is not to be denied that—even in partibus—a certain sort of happiness is pretty equally distributed, and that, in the wide extent of your wildernesses, wild-flowers may be found—after long and uncertain intervals—of no common beauty and fragrance . . . . We
to open the lot, Aug. 3, 1810 Many graves robbed, great excitement, March, 1822 Grave robbery excitement renewed, Dec., 1829 Many trees planted by Supt. Hughes, May, 1834 Bodies removed from north side for a hotel site, June, 1856 Quaker, in Milton place, bodies removed to Lynn, July, 1826 North Hudson st, fences down, tombs broken in, 1860 Bodies removed and land sold, May, 1862 Butler, Gen. B. F. appointed to command of the Mass. Brigade first ordered to Washington,861 Pitts street, Congregational, corner-stone laid, July 7, 1836 Purchase st., Episcopal, destroyed by great fire, Nov. 9, 1872 Purchase street, Mariner's, corner-stone laid, Aug. 11, 1829 Destroyed by the great fire, Nov. 9, 1872 Quaker, built on Brattle street, 1693 Rebuilt in Quaker lane, 1709 Removed from Quaker lane to Lynn, April, 1825 Rowe street, Baptist, completed and dedicated, Apr. 27, 1846 Sold to be removed, last service, May 31, 1868 Sandemonian, stoo
s corps, led the advance and guarded the approaches to the Quaker road, along which the trains were moving to and across Male head of the Federal retreat where the River road and the Quaker road met on Malvern hill. Success for Lee depended entiret a mile in the same, direction from the same point on the Quaker road. By 11 o'clock in the morning, the head of Jacksonced his main line at right angles to this ridge and to the Quaker road that ran along its crest just south of the junction wther extended to the east. Morrell was on the left of the Quaker road, with Sykes in his rear, covering a cross road leadinlan was retreating, diverged to the southeastward from the Quaker road and from the Malvern ridge. At right angles to his mard from his left for nearly a mile to the eastward of the Quaker road, McClellan had covered the bluffs, looking to the wesleft. Magruder had been ordered to the same point, by the Quaker road, but it so happened that there were two roads in that
hat he might otherwise save. I therefore determined not to delay the movement ordered. On the night of the 27th, three divisions of the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth corps, preceded by McKenzie's cavalry, took up the line of march, and was in position, near Hatcher's run, on the morning of the 29th. The Fifth corps moved at 3 a. m. of that day, the Second at 9. Sheridan's cavalry reached Dinwiddie Court House the night of the 29th, and the left of the infantry advance extended to the Quaker road, near its junction with the Boydton plank road, and Grant now had an unbroken line from the Appomattox to Dinwiddie Court House. He now had, in his immediate command, 124,700 men, 13,000 of whom were well mounted cavalry. To oppose, these, Lee had about 45,000, less than 5,000 of whom were cavalry, under Fitz Lee, mounted on mere skeletons of poorly-fed horses. So far, Grant's movement had met with but little opposition, but Hill held, threateningly, his line in front of the positio
Parke, Wright, Ord, Humphreys, Warren. The Fifth corps had met with a slight resistance on the Quaker road, but had driven the rebels back behind their works, and captured a hundred prisoners. This on on my right.—Warren to Humphreys, March 30. Major-General Meade directs you to move up the Quaker road to Gravelly run crossing.—Webb to Warren, March 29, 10.20 A. M. I think my skirmishers are out on the Quaker road as far as Gravelly run.—Warren to Webb. From your last dispatch the major-general commanding would infer that you did not understand the last order.—Webb to Warren, March 29, 12 M. I did not understand, till Captain Emory came, that I was to move my corps up the Quaker road.—Warren to Webb, March 29. The roads and fields are getting too bad for artillery, and I do not belquired to rebuild it. If this is the case, would not time be gained by sending the troops by the Quaker road? Time is of the utmost importance. Sheridan cannot maintain himself at Dinwiddie witho
l, Colonel Howard said: A whole community will assemble around the stricken widow of our general; and the mothers of the noble boys who fell by his side will mingle their tears with hers; words prophetic of a scene to be re-enacted in a few short weeks by the same community of people when intelligence of his own untimely death was received. Sunday, June 29th, Hill's division recrossed the Chickahominy, and on Monday, the 30th, it moved up by the cross made by the Long Bridge road and the Quaker road near Frayser's farm. Longstreet was warmly engaged when, Hill's division coming up, one after another of his brigade was sent forward whenever assistance was wanted. General Hill stated that on our extreme right, matters seemed to be going badly. Two brigades of Longstreet's division had been roughly handled and had fallen back. Archer was brought up and sent in, and, in his shirt-sleeves, leading his gallant brigade, affairs were soon restored in that quarter. At dark the enemy ma
Lydia Maria Child, Isaac T. Hopper: a true life, Life of Isaac T. Hopper. (search)
in love, as in other matters. Not far from his home, lived a prosperous and highly respectable Quaker family, named Tatum. There were several sons, but only one daughter; a handsome child, with cleband. The preaching of her favorite ministers seemed to him harsh and rigid, while she regarded Quaker exhortations as insipid and formal. But as time passed on, her religious views assimilated morers for her favor. Once, when he went to invite her to ride to Quarterly Meeting, he found three Quaker beaux already there, with horses and sleighs for the same purpose. But though some of her admir receive him as a son-in-law. At that period, there were several remarkable individuals among Quaker preachers in that part of the country, and their meetings were unusually lively and spirit-stirretween him and his betrothed partake of the same sedate character; but through the unimpassioned Quaker style gleams the steady warmth of sincere affection. There is something pleasant in the simplic
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