Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Quaker (West Virginia, United States) or search for Quaker (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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aglee. Lieutenant: Before alluding to the occurrences of the thirty-first of May, it would probably add to a better understanding of the subject to refer to the advance of my brigade on the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth, a week previous. Having crossed the railroad bridge, and examined the Chickahominy from the railroad to Bottom's Bridge, on the twentieth, and made a reconnoissance from the Chimneys near Bottom's Bridge to within two miles of the James River, on the Quaker road, on the twenty-third, Gen. McClellan ordered me to make a reconnoissance of the road and country by the Williamsburgh road as far as the Seven Pines, on Saturday, the twenty-fourth, with instructions, if possible, to advance to the Seven Pines, or the forks of the direct road to Richmond, and the road turning to the right into the road leading from New-Bridge to Richmond, and to hold that point if practicable. Under these instructions, with the addition of two batteries of Col. Bailey'
up the latter road towards Richmond, where it struck a little south-west by the Quaker road which terminated in New Market road, leading from Richmond. The river waseft; Keyes's corps was moving swiftly to James River, down the Charles City and Quaker road; Porter and part of Sumner's corps were following rapidly. Moving to thads. But until eight o'clock in the morning, we had no knowledge of any but the Quaker road to the point at which we now aimed — Hardin's Landing and Malvern Hill, in They were thrown together wherever emergency demanded. White Oak bridge, the Quaker road, Charles City road, the banks of Turkey Creek, were enveloped in smoke ands were not without effect. During the night the enemy retreated again down the Quaker road toward Malvern Hill, about a half-mile within the intersection of the New-Market or River road and the Quaker road. Here he took a strong position on this hill, about two miles and a half from his gunboats on the James River. This closed
unicated to me in person that it was his desire that my division should cover what is called the Quaker road, over which our troops, artillery and trains were to pass in their retrograde march to Jameand the approaches over which the enemy would be the most likely to advance. The direction of Quaker's road is nearly perpendicular to the general course of James River, and crosses at nearly righter and the Williamsburgh road. Numerous by-roads connect these most-travelled highways with the Quaker road, and it was determined that I should establish my division on the one which falls into the on this crossroad, and the line nearly parallel with, and half a mile or more in advance of, the Quaker road. A forest covered the area between my position and this road. On my right was Sumner's mal night. I was instructed to hold my position until Sumner and Kearney had retired over the Quaker road, and soon after daylight my command was withdrawn and followed them. Among others, I hav