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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
punishment by law, these criminals repealed the laws against their crimes; and provided in the constitution that crime should go unpunished if committed by themselves. To make themselves secure in their crime and to give immunity from punishment, they disfranchised the masses of the people; and in the city of Saint Louis the criminal vote elected the criminal McNeil as the sheriff of the county of Saint Louis--the tool of the weakest and most malignant tyrants. Milroy's order. Saint George, Tucker Co., Va., November 28th, 1862. Mr. Adam Harper: Sir — In consequence of certain robberies which have been committed on Union citizens of this county by bands of guerrillas, you are hereby assessed to the amount ($285.00) two hundred and eighty-five dollars, to make good their losses; and upon your failure to comply with the above assessment by the 8th day of December, the following order has been issued to me by Brigadier-General R. H. Milroy: You are to burn their houses,
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McClellan in West Virginia. (search)
ugh mountain road, barely passable, connected the Laurel Mountain position with Cheat River on the east, and it was possible to go by this way northward through St. George to the Northwestern Turnpike, turning the mountain ranges. [See map, p. 131.] Garnett thought the pass over Rich Mountain much the stronger and more easily help, and, leaving the turnpike at Leadsville, he turned off upon a country road over Cheat Mountain into Cheat River Valley, following the stream northward toward St. George and West Union, in the forlorn hope of turning the mountains at the north end of the ridges and regaining his communications by a very long detour. He might hay officials for special trains to hurry them to the rendezvous. About one thousand men under Colonel James Irvine of the 16th Ohio were at West Union where the St. George road reaches the Northwestern Turnpike, and Hill's information was that a detachment of these held Red House, a crossing several miles in advance by which the r
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The capture of Mason and Slidell. (search)
nd Captain Wilkes walked forward to the mainmast, and gave the order Beat to quarters. It was fifteen minutes after one o'clock when the boats were called away, Mr. Fairfax in the second cutter, and Lieutenant Greer commanding the third cutter. Before the boats were shoved off, the Trent had steamed well up toward the San Jacinto, and was in mid-channel, when the gun on the topgallant forecastle, loaded with a round-shot, was fired in a line across the bows. Immediately the red cross of St. George went fluttering to her peak, but she kept on her course. Put a shell in that gun, called out Captain Wilkes, and let it go across her bows, so she may not mistake our intention this time. The shell exploded about one hundred fathoms ahead of the steamer, and immediately her engines stopped, and she rounded — to within two hundred feet of the man-of-war, and under the muzzles of our broadside, that would have sunk her at the word Fire! There was much confusion on the mail steamer, and th
Fitzhugh Lee, General Lee, Chapter 6: the campaign in West Virginia. (search)
to turn their flank and rear, which General Rosecrans successfully did with four regiments. The troops at this point were a portion of Garnett's force under Lieutenant-Colonel John Pegram. Beverly was occupied by the Federal troops the next day, and General Garnett with the remainder of his army, finding that retreat had been cut off in that direction, abandoned his intrenchments on Laurel Hill and made a hasty retreat in the night over a rough country road in the direction of St. George, in Tucker County. He was rapidly followed and his rear overtaken at Carrick's Ford, on the Shafer Fork of the main branch of Cheat River. In the engagement which followed Garnett was killed. Lieutenant-Colonel Pegram, who had escaped with a force of some five hundred men from Laurel Hill, not being able to join General Garnett in consequence of the latter's retreat, determined to surrender his little force, which had been without food for two days, as prisoners of war, and on July 12th surre
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XX. November, 1862 (search)
reasury. Yesterday one of the President's servants was arrested for stealing Treasury notes. The Treasury Department is just under the Executive Department; and this negro (slave) has been used by the President to take important papers to the departments. The amount abstracted was $5000--unsigned-but some one, perhaps the negro, for he is educated, forged the Register's and Treasurer's names. I saw Gen. J. E. Johnston standing idle in the street to-day. November 15 Now, by St. George, the work goes bravely on! Another letter on my desk from the President to the Secretary. Well, being in an official envelope, it was my duty to open it, note its contents, and send it to the Secretary. The Secretary has been responding to the short espistle he received yesterday. It appears he could not clearly understand its purport. But the President has used such plain language in this, that it must be impossible to misunderstand him. He says that the transferring of generals com
and the dead? Yes, the time is at hand when she, our Southern Church, shall Put all her beauteous garments on, And let her excellence be known. Decked in the robes of righteousness, The world her glory shall confess. No more shall foes unclean invade And fill her hallowed walls with dread; No more shall hell's insulting host Their victory and thy sorrows boast. The churches of Fredericksburg suffered dreadfully during the bombardment. Some were torn to pieces. Our dear old St. George's suffered very little; but a shell burst through her revered walls, and her steeple was broken by a passing shot. She stands a monument of Vandalism, though still a Christian chapel, from which the Gospel will, I trust, be poured forth for many years, when we shall no longer be surrounded by those who cry, Raze it, Raze it, even to the foundations thereof. But to return to my patient. After days and nights of watching, I left him improving, and in the hands of his parents. The physi
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 12: West Virginia. (search)
t at Laurel Hill. That officer, already seriously threatened by General Morris in his immediate front, thereupon perceived that his position was no longer tenable, and ordered an immediate retreat. When Garnett reached Leedsville on the afternoon of the 12th, and heard that McClellan was at Beverly, he saw that his own further retreat to the south was also cut off. There was now no resource left but to adopt the rather desperate alternative of turning to the north and attempting to reach St. George and West Union by a rough and difficult mountain road. His command of thirty-three hundred men and cumbrous trains thereby necessarily became very much scattered and disorganized. Although he had some fifteen hours the start of the Union pursuit, an column of three Federal regiments, led by Captain Benham of the Engineers, gained rapidly on the fugitives. Notwithstanding every effort of the rebels to impede them by felling trees in the narrow mountain defiles, the Union advance came up
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Index. (search)
n, General, Theodore, commands Fourth Division in advance to Manassas, 174 Russell, Dr. W. H., 202 S. Sandford, General, 168 Santa Rosa Island, 38 Schenck, General R. C., 74 Scott, General, Winfield, at Washington, 24, 49; views on the relief of Fort Sumter, 51; orders the reinforcement of Harper's Ferry, 95 et seq.; concentrates troops in Washington, 99 et seq.; protects St. Louis, 116; orders and suggestions to Patterson, 162 et seq.; his campaign plans, 171, 172 St. George, W. Va., 151 St. Louis, 116 St. Philip, Fort, 79 Secession, causes of, 1 et seq.; passage of ordinance of, in South Carolina, 5 et seq., 14; true character of, 8; cabal in Washington, 17, 23, 36 Seventh Regiment, N. Y. State Militia, 92 et seq. Seward, Secretary, opposes relieving Fort Sumter, 51; his idea of the conspiracy, 52; his reply to the rebel commissioners, 54; interview with Judge Campbell, 54, 94 Shepherdstown, 160 Sherman, General W. T., 174 Slavery, false
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 8: Seven Pines and the Seven Days battles (search)
give what I have to say on the topic by way of post-bellum reminiscence. It has been noted with surprise how many distinguished and devout clergymen of the Church of England have admitted an irrepressible lifelong yearning for the army. My recollection is that this feeling crops out more or less in Kingsley; I am sure it runs like a refrain through Frederick William Robertson's life and letters and appears perhaps in his sermons. Years ago, when he who is now Rev. Dr. Rainsford, of St. George's, New York, was a glorious youth, he conducted a most successful mission in St. Paul's Church, Richmond, Va., and drew some of us very close to him. Toward the close of his work he asked Col. Archer Anderson and myself to walk with him over the field of the Seven Days battles, or as much of it as we could do on foot in a day. We started early one crisp February morning, the Colonel and I full of interest, but fearful that we could not keep up with the giant stride of our comrade, who was
m habit is reported by statistics to be increasing, and, sad to relate, that its greatest ravages are among the gentler and finer sex. Laws exist, but fail to prevent the abuse. In this, prohibition does not prohibit. Are there not other means? Is there no Peter to preach a crusade for the redemption of woman, the mother of Jesus? of woman, the last at the cross, and first at the sepulchre? of woman, the consoling friend in the hospitals, the leader in all the charities? Is there no St. George to stay the hydra that is poisoning the salt of the earth? I do not deprecate the effort to abate the evil of intemperance, but here is an evil more deleterious to mind and body, and why, it is asked, is the field unoccupied to which humanity and manhood are both calling for laborers? Atheism reviles, and free thought, namely want of thought, denies the truth of revelation, and in the broad day scoffs at the plan of salvation. The month in which you made your address is reputed to ha