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ed Beverly by a rapid march. Garnett abandoned his camp early in the morning, leaving much of his equipage. He came within a few miles of Beverly, but our rapid march turned him back in great confusion, and he is now retreating on the road to St. George. I have ordered Gen. Morris to follow him up closely. I have telegraphed for the two Pennsylvania regiments at Cumberland to join Gen. Hill at Rowlesburg. The General is concentrating all his troops at Rowlesburg, and he will cut off Garnett's retreat near West Union, or, if possible, at St. George. I may say that we have driven out some ten thousand troops, strongly intrenched, with the loss of 11 killed and 35 wounded. The provision returns here show Garnett's force to have been ten thousand men. They were Eastern Virginians, Tennesseans, Georgians, and, I think, Carolinians. To-morrow I can give full details, as to prisoners, &c. I trust that Gen. Cox has, by this time, driven Wise out of the Kanawha Valley. In that
ing to rally his forces at Carrackford, near St. George. We have completely annihilated the enemyiver, intending to proceed down the river to St. George. They had reached the Cheat River (near themp Dupont, Carrick's Ford, 8 miles south of St. George, Tucker County, Va., July 13. I have a di and were moving in the direction of St. George, Tucker County. We had tracked the rebels thus fard, about twelve miles from, and due south of St. George. It was then noon. Our advance consisted od the ford, and chased them two miles up the St. George road, where they gave out from absolute exhat we hoped to make better time after passing St. George, where, we were informed, we would reach thef the rebel fugitives, who, fearing to go to St. George, struck off in a bye-road at Horseshoe Run, We hoped for a better road after we left St. George, but were disappointed. The pike, so little The army of Gen. Morris was to return, via St. George, to Laurel Hill, and go into camp. The thre
y after the announcement of the blockade. The frequency of vessels escaping the vigilance, or rather the lack of vigilance, of the United States squadron, are too numerous to be even named. I sent Capt. Von Donop, of the Jason, to look after the interests of our shipping, and to the efficiency of the blockading ships, in several ports. He mentions numerous cases of ships, barks, and brigs, escaping the cruisers. I learn that while a large American frigate — fully as formidable as the St. George, apparently — was under steam off Charleston, a complete flotilla of small ocean traders and coasters continued to pass into the city, and out again, either regardless of, or insensible to, the presence of war ships. The numerous facts establishing the perfect inefficiency of the men-of-war, in regard to the stopping of commercial intercourse with ports before which they have appeared, could be elaborated to a great length. But even now, [the admiral, permit your correspondent to say,
sday evening, 11th July, we received an order from Gen. Garnett to prepare provisions for a two days march, shortly after which we were directed to strike our tents, and took up our line of march for Beverly, a distance of sixteen miles, which place we came within three miles of, when we found that a very formidable blockade had been erected, which we could not pass, and, therefore, had to march back on the route we had previously come, to a road that led to the northeast, towards St. George, in Tucker County, which we entered early in the morning. (Here I would state, in the way of parenthesis, that it was the object of General G. to form a connection with Colonels Pegram and Heck, who were stationed at Rich Mountain, and move on Cheat Mountain, via Huttonsville; but the enemy, it seems, cut us off, and got between the two commands, and had our small force almost completely surrounded.) Thus, you will see, our command, composed of four companies of cavalry, Captain Shoemaker's Danvil
instructed, started from near Leedsville, at about four o'clock A. M., to pursue the army of General Garnett, which consisted, as we learned, of from four thousand to five thousand men, and from four to six cannon, and had retreated from the north side of Laurel Mountain, near Beelington, on yesterday. It being ascertained that the enemy had retired toward the village of New Interest, and thence, as was supposed, over a mountain road leading by the Shafer Branch, or main Cheat River, to St. George's; the troops were brought rapidly forward on their route, so as to reach the entrance of the mountain road at about six o'clock. A short distance after entering this path, the passage was found to be obstructed with large trees, recently felled, in about twelve to fifteen places, and in nearly every defile for three or four miles. But the information which was from time to time received that this force, which had some fifteen hours the start of us from Beelington, were only four or five m