Browsing named entities in Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1. You can also browse the collection for St. George, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) or search for St. George, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 4: girlhood 1839-1843; aet. 20-23 (search)
with Horace Mann, considering the condition of the common schools, and forging the weapons for other fights which laid the foundations of the school system of Massachusetts. Later, he was to take up the cause of the feeble-minded, the deaf mute, the prisoner, the slave; throughout his life, no one in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity was ever to call on him in vain. His friends called him the Chevalier ; partly because the King of Greece had made him a Knight of St. George, but more because they saw in him a good knight without fear and without reproach. Charles Sumner was his alter ego, the brother of his heart; others of his intimates at that time were Longfellow, George Hillard, Cornelius Felton, Henry Cleveland. This little knot of friends called themselves The five of Clubs, and met often to make merry and to discuss the things of life. The summer of 1842 was spent by Julia Ward and her sisters at a cottage in the neighborhood of Boston, in company
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 12: Stepping westward 1901-1902; aet. 82-83 (search)
t Deland and dear Maud. On August 24 she writes:-- This day has been devoted to a family function of great interest, namely, the christening of Daisy and Wintie's boy baby, Theodore Ward, the President Theodore Roosevelt. himself standing godfather. Jack Elliott and I were on hand in good time, both of us in our best attire. We found a very chosen company, the Sydney Websters, Owen Wister, Senator Lodge and wife, the latter standing as godmother. Mr. Diman, of the School, St. George's, Newport. officiated, Parson Stone being ill. The President made his response quite audibly. The Chanler children looked lovely, and the baby as dear as a baby can look. His godfather gave him a beautiful silver bowl lined with gold. I gave a silver porringer, Maud a rattle with silver bells; lunch followed. President Roosevelt took me in to the table and seated me on his right. This was a very distinguished honor. The conversation was rather literary. The President admires Emerso
u, Jacques, II, 172. Royal Geographic Society, II, 5, 7. Rubens, P. P., I, 279; II, 11, 173. Rubenstein, Anton, I, 346. Russell, C. H., II, 220. Russell, George, II, 141. Russell, Sarah S., II, 141. Russia, I, 207; II, 187, 218. Russian Freedom, Friends of, II, 187, 330. Rutherford, Louis, I, 49. Sabatier, Paul, II, 253. Sacken, Baron, Osten, I, 256. St. Anthony, Falls of, I, 379. St. Anthony of Padua, II, 275. St. Bartholomew's Hospital, II, 8. St. George, Knights of, I, 74. St. Jerome, tomb of, II, 38. St. Lawrence River, I, 5. St. Louis, I, 169, 170. St. Paul, I, 185, 224, 289, 366; II, 157, 231, 383. St. Paul, Minn., I, 379; II, 274. St. Paul's, Antwerp, II, 11. St. Paul's School, I, 254. St. Peter's, I, 95, 269, 363; II, 241, 245. St. Petersburg, II, 249. St. Stanislas, Order of, II, 283. St. Thomas Aquinas, anecdote of, II, 248. Salem, I, 37, 353; II, 201. Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Marquis of, II,