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Mechanicsville was carried, the enemy being driven out by our artillery and forced across the bridge, which they destroyed. Gen. Naglee, of Casey's division of the 4th corps, on the same day dislodged a force of the enemy from the vicinity of Seven Pines, and the advance of our left secured a strong position near that place. All the information obtained from negroes, deserters, prisoners, and spies indicated that the enemy occupied in force all the approaches to Richmond from the east, and th. I left my bed to go to the field of battle as soon as I was satisfied of the importance of the crisis. Two corps, the 3d and the 4th, were across the Chickahominy, three on the left bank. The 4th corps was in position near Fair Oaks and Seven Pines. Kearny's division of the 3d corps was on and near the railroad in advance of Savage's Station. Hooker's division was on the left, near White Oak Swamp. The 2d corps was on the left bank of the Chickahominy, at and near the Grapevine bridge
night. Brig.-Gen. Devens, who had held the centre of Gen. Couch's division, had made repeated and gallant efforts to regain portions of the ground lost in front, but each time was driven back, and finally withdrew behind the rifle-pits near Seven Pines. Meantime Gen. Sumner had arrived with the advance of his corps, Gen. Sedgwick's division, at the point held by Gen. Couch with four regiments and one battery. The roads leading from the bridge were so miry that it was only by the greatest Darkness now ended the battle for that day. During the night dispositions were made for its early renewal. Gen. Couch's division, and so much of Gen. Casey's as could be collected together, with Gen. Kearny's, occupied the rifle-pits near Seven Pines. Gen. Peck, in falling back on the left, had succeeded late in the afternoon in rallying a considerable number of stragglers, and was taking them once more into the action, when he was ordered back to the entrenched camp by Gen. Kearny. Gen. H
changed feelings, 174 ; congratulations, 583. Sebago, 293, 294, 296. Secession, consequences of, 31. Sedgwick, Gen. J., 81, 140, 192. In Peninsula, 261 ; Yorktown, 300, 302-304; Williamsburg, 320, 327, 332 333; West Point (Va.), 336, 337,339; in pursuit, 352; Fair Oaks, 379, 381, 382 ; Savage's Station, 426-428 ; Glendale, 432 ; Malvern, 434, 492. At South Mountain, 582; Antietam, 592, 593, 595, 600, 606, 613. Senate congratulates McClellan, 82. Seneca Mills, Md., 106. Seven Pines, Va.-see Fair Oaks. Seward, Sec., method of recruiting, 143 ; visits McClellan, 549. Seymour, Gen. T., at Gaines's Mill, 414-416 ; Glendale, 430 ; South Mountain, 580. Seymour, Capt. (navy), 306. Sharpsburg, Md., 556, 562, 564, 573, 584, 586, 587,590, 608,609, 620. Shenandoah Valley, Va., 47, 54, 58, 113, 239, 240, 509, 643. Sherman, Gen. T. W., 204, 211, 234. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Washington, 1861, 68, 80, 89, 138; in West, 201, 202. Shields, Gen. J., 347, 350, 351.