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as a secluded and favorite walk. The principal eminence, called Mount Auburn in the plan, is one hundred and twenty-five feet above the leveling tomb is provided in the City, and one will be constructed at Mount Auburn, in which, if desired, bodies may be deposited for a term not exwelve dollars to one hundred dollars, each lot,) was $957,50. Mount Auburn, it is generally well known, is now the property of a separate asuch other persons as are Proprietors of Lots in the Cemetery at Mount Auburn, in the towns of Cambridge and Watertown, in the County of Middlation may take and hold in fee simple the Garden and Cemetery at Mount Auburn, now held by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and any otal Society a legal conveyance of the said Garden and Cemetery at Mount Auburn, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society shall cease to have any To the summary sketch here given of the present condition of Mount Auburn, it may be proper to add that it is believed to be the intention
Lunt. Such was the character of this early and most celebrated occupant of the grounds of Mount Auburn. Of his history it is proper to add something, for the satisfaction of such of our readers a and Reviewer of the Christian Sects, this is erected by her Female Friends. First tenant of Mount Auburn, she died Dec. 15th, 1831, aged 76. On Beech Avenue will be seen a monument erected by S. d home, but a fever closed his life in three months afterwards. The writer of the article on Mount Auburn (already cited) in the Quarterly Observer, Generally attributed (there can be no impropriecountry he wrote, in one of his letters, the following passage in relation to the Cemetery at Mount Auburn. It is justly remarked that the coincidence of that passage with the event of his death was Greenleaf. Martin Brimmer. In looking back over this ramble among the monuments of Mount Auburn, we cannot but see how far our sketches must be, at the best, from conveying a complete conce