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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bacon Creek, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) or search for Bacon Creek, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.
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From Kentucky.
Combination of Generals Buckner's, Polk's, and Zollicoffer's forces — the recent skirmish at Bacon Creek — Admirable condition of the Confederate troops, etc.
The following letter from Lebanon, Ky., to the Louisville Journal, will be interesting as giving our readers an insight into matters and things in that portion of the State:
Leeanon, Ky., Oct. 16, 1861.
As I informed you by telegraph last evening, three men passed through Lebanon yesterday beyond Woodsonville.
He says that on Sunday he saw twelve heavy pieces of artillery there, which were being placed in position.
He was fully posted in reference to the skirmish between Col. Crittenden's pickets and those of the rebels at Bacon Creek, on Saturday last, mention of which has already been made in the Journal. John Morgan, of Lexington, headed the rebel forces, and it was he who dismounted from his horse and shot the Indiana captain.
Morgan passed through Lebanon about six we
The Daily Dispatch: October 28, 1861., [Electronic resource], Domestic Resources of Virginia . (search)
From Kentucky.
reported fight between Gen. Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites — defeat of the Federals, &c.
Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 25.
--The Register of this morning reports a fight between General Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites from Camp Dick Robinson.
The latter were entrenched near Rock Castle Ford.
Gen. Zollicoffer attacked and drove the enemy from their entrenchments.
The Confederates lost five killed and 23 wounded, but took 40 prisoners. The loss of the enemy, in killed and wounded, is not known.
Gen. Zollicoffer fell back to prevent his supply train from being cut off.
Nashville, Oct. 26.--A special dispatch to the Union and American, dated at Bowling Green to-day, says that the Federals have retreated from Bacon Creek and Nolin to Muldrough's hill, after destroying the bridge over the Nolin, which they had but recently rebuilt.